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他看起来奇丑无比。He looked a perfect fright.

刘备、纪灵都吓了一跳。Both Liu and Ji got a fright.

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有个姑娘假作一声惊叫。A girl screams in mock fright.

“噢!”格雷丝因为恐怖喊叫了一声。"Oh! " cried Grace in her fright.

孩子们被吓得发抖。The children trembled with fright.

那只狗的吠叫使他吓了一跳。The dog barked and gave him a fright.

“找我干嘛?”楚仲吓了一跳。"Seek me why?"Chu Zhong got a fright.

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她吓得面色惨白。Her face was ghostly pale with fright.

事实上,史高基既冷又害怕。In fact, he had gone cold with fright.

在倔强之下,他还是有点惊讶。Under thestubbornness there is fright.

惊恐使他的面容失色。Fright drained all colour from his face.

那孩子吓得茫然失措。The child was out of his wits with fright.

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他突然地“狂笑”,把我们都吓了一跳。We got a fright when he suddenly guffawed.

有时候我还有些怯场。Sometimes I still suffer from stage fright.

别为吓跑耗子而去烧房子。Burn not your house to fright the mouse away.

别为吓跑耗子而去烧房子。Burn not your house to fright the mouse down.

他在毫无声息的黑暗里怕得全身发颤。In the lonely darkness he shivered with fright.

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那是一声夹著恐惧与惊讶的喊叫。It was a cry that mingled fright with surprise.

读几本克服怯场情绪的好书。Read some of the excellent books on stage fright.

即便是著名的演说家,也有怯场的时候。Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright.