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不在洛杉矶,你抗拒地大喊。Not in LA you shout defiantly.

离心机依旧无畏地运转。The centrifuges spin defiantly on.

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但它还在挑战似地望着怒吼的海象。He looked defiantly at the bellowing walrus.

当然,沈还在挑战性地笑。Shen, of course, smiled all the more defiantly.

暴徒的顽皮喊道目空一切的警察。The contumacious mob shouted defiantly at the police.

这是故事,我第一次,并公然不上,集团性。This is the story of my first, and defiantly not last, group sex.

当2009年拉贾拉特南被起诉时,他放言自己无罪。When Rajaratnam was indicted in 2009, he defiantly declared his innocence.

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苏格拉底自信且大胆地,向其听众们如此声言,或说“观众。Socrates confidently defiantly asserts " to his listeners to his audience.

部大胆反抗地从干旱的一个沙丘在这唤起的照片。A lone plant juts defiantly from the arid sand of a dune in this evocative image.

所有你的杰出成绩,现在都是我的了。All your outstanding markers, they’re mine now, ” Trumpets defiantly tells C-Note.

造反派热烈欢迎新盟友,并制订组织工会的计划。The rebels defiantly welcomed new allies and laid plans for unionization campaigns.

“我希望援用我保持沉默的权利,先生,”斯米德斯反驳道。“ I should like to invoke my right to remain silent, sir,” Smithers defiantly replied.

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如果你是美味的事情然后假日在法国是目空一切的一段路要走。If culinary delights are you thing then a holiday in France is defiantly the way to go.

“我是一个诚实的人,”乞丐反驳道,“我们到法庭上评理去。”"I'm an honest man, " said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court. "

那几个挑衅选择谁草率行事方式将后悔自己冲动的行为后。Those few who defiantly choose to act in a hasty manner will regret their impulsive actions later.

我们会在转会市场有所作为,但是卡萨诺将不会走。" We will be doing some things in the transfer market, but Cassano won't move, " said Spalletti defiantly.

在众议院的投票临近时,中国公然向从美国进口的陶器征收大量关税。As the vote in the House loomed, Beijing defiantly slapped steep tariffs on poultry from the United States.

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苏泰和另一个猎人用刀架在两个阿凡达的喉咙上,挑衅般地怒视着机群。TSU’TEY and another HUNTER hold knives to the throats of the two avatars, glaring defiantly at the gunships.

古老的技术,至今却还能分秒不差,伦敦的标志大本钟钟楼迎来了它的150岁生日。Defiantly low tech yet accurate to the second, London's iconic Big Ben clock tower celebrated its 150th birthday.

这些小玩意相对便宜,而且由你亲自添加,因此绝不会让你超出预算。This tricky trick will defiantly keep you under budget by going with something cheaper and adding things yourself.