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抽象级别提供了什么呢?What do levels of abstraction provide?

这种合约是非常重要的。And that abstraction is really important.

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直观地,我们从抽象方面进行思考。Intuitively, we think in terms of abstraction.

这个模型必须包含这个数据库的抽象性。The model must contain an abstraction of the database.

这些细节属于下一个抽象层次。These details belong at the next level of abstraction.

正是他们的抽象化能力处于不活动的状态。It is their capacity for abstraction that is quiescent.

我用了抽象的方法,来隐藏了一些具体的实现。I've used some abstraction to suppress some details here.

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该抽象简化并加速了开发工作。This abstraction simplifies and speeds up development work.

我们没有将其分解,而且也没有进行抽象。We don't have decomposition, and we don't have abstraction.

这种类型的优化可能减少抽象级别。This kind of refinement can reduce the level of abstraction.

在这个示例中,可以看到更高级别抽象的示例。You can see the higher level of abstraction in this example.

无论选择哪一个对当前任务来说都是很好的服务抽象。Choose whichever one is a good abstraction for the task at hand.

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不行,这会损害代码的可读性和抽象层。Not without harming the code's readability and abstraction level.

显然,这些是一些抽象的数学概念。Obviously, this is an abstraction of these mathematical concepts.

总之,抽象既可能是我们的朋友,也可能成为敌人。In short, abstraction can be both our friend, as well as our enemy.

物理学家知道,静力学只是动力学的一种抽象。Statics, the physicist knows, is only an abstraction from dynamics.

群落类型,作为一个阶级概念,无疑也是一种抽象。A community-type, as a class-concept, is inescapably an abstraction.

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伟大是一种抽象思维,是一种良好的自我感觉。Greatness is a mental abstraction and a favorite fantasy of the ego.

根据不同层面的基本单位,语言学家有不同的研究。Linguists can work at different levels of abstraction with language.

系统设计师使用抽象层次为计算机系统建模。System designers model computer systems using levels of abstraction.