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半透明给予材质以传送和散播光的能力。Translucence gives the material the ability to transmit and diffuse light.

淡绿色磨砂半透明的玻璃洗脸盆,看着干净、雅致。Virescent the vitreous lavatory that grinds arenaceous translucence , look at clean, refined.

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建筑师们强调了他们的目的是产生一种透明、半透明和发光的三合一产品。The architects' underlying aim is to produce a trinity of transparency, translucence and luminosity.

迷人而成熟的樱桃红,呈现出半透明的色泽。酒香中充满着樱桃、覆盆子、红浆果的味道。Attractive young very ripe cherry red color, with the characteristic translucence of a light red wine.

但菌落常呈不同的形状,可呈半透明状、浅灰色和肤黄色等。But bacterium colony often submits different form, can show translucence shape, grayish wait with skin yellow.

被保留的一件事情是动物的一般的半透明性,透过使用清楚的塑胶取得。One thing that is retained is the general translucence of the creature, achieved through the use of clear plastic.

本产品与瓷粉具有极佳的相容性。外观呈白色半透明固体,品质稳定,排蜡过程无残留。Good compatibility with ceramic powder , white and translucence solid , steady quality and no residue during wax removing.

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卡式踏板先所未有的透明塑胶本体更提供了单一踏板四种颜色的变化,为使用者提供更多元化的选择。Unprecedented in a translucence plastic body provides various types of color to provide a wide variety of choices to rider.

在结构上,既可以采用完全封闭式的设计,也可运用半透明的玻璃制造出朦胧效果。On the structure, can use completely enclosed design already, the glass that also can use translucence produces a hazy result.

如红参的颜色是红棕色,野山人参表面呈灰黄色,阿胶为棕色半透明体。If the color of red ginseng is Gong Zong color, surface of wild hill ginseng shows grey yellow, donkey-hide gelatin is brown translucence body.

实验结果表明,累积和半透明模型相结合提高了鲁棒性、增强了抗干扰性,明显地提高了探测的准确率。Experiments show that the combined accumulation and translucence model is robust and significant for improving the accuracy of the smoke detection.

一堵在清晨看上去泛黄的墙壁,到了中午可能会显得更加雪白,而在日暮时分又变成紫罗兰色或半透明的。One looks the wall with yellow extensive in early morning, arrived to may appear more white midday, and turn a violet into color or translucence again in eventide time.

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这种瓷器在玻璃质,白度和半透明性质与骨瓷器相当差不多,但成本比骨瓷器低。The porcelain offers great qualities similar to the bone china much such as considerable strength, glassiness, whiteness and translucence but can be made at a lower cost to the bone china.

半透明者哩,质地轻柔用后不粘腻,添加肝素成份在睡眠中加快自体修复达到自然白皙,保湿抗皱功效。Translucence gel design, with the soft texture and non-sticky, adding heparin ingredients accelerate restoration to natural complexion, anti-Wrinkle and moisturizing effect while sleeping.