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掌握每个单元发音法的拼读。To grasp phonics of each unit.

这是一个照顾熊语音方块。This is a Care Bears Phonics Box.

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把你的阅读书放到你的语音书上面。Put your reading book on your phonics book.

由语音规则和形式分组练习单词。Practice words grouped by phonics rules and patterns.

我女儿今天复习了自然拼音3-2的四个字母组合发音。My daughter reviews four diphthongs in Phonics 3-2 today.

按照计划,我女儿今天学习完了自然拼音的第一本教材。According to plan, my daughter finish learning the first book of the phonics today.

针对5-8岁的孩子,教孩子自然拼音课程,掌握学习方法更快地学好外语发音。For children with ages 5-8, teach them Phonics by some games to let them learn fast.

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“合成拼音法”形式的语音学习现在是教育的一个重要组成部分。Phonetic learning in the form of "synthetic phonics" is now a major part of education.

主要学科包括英语语法、发音、阅读、数学、唱游、中文。Major subjects include English Language, Phonics , Reading, Mathematics, Music and Chinese.

当语音教学,以配合我们的音声,我们说的书面语音声音。When teaching phonics we have to match the phonic sound we say with the written phonic sound.

在实施完节奏英语教学后,实验组和对照组的学生在英语学习态度上有显著差异。There is a significant difference in the post-test of EG's and CG's English phonics performance.

自然拼读法是国外广泛应用于阅读教学扣识字教学的教学方法。Phonics Teaching Method is a broad applicability for reading and vocabulary lesson in foreign country.

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学习发音非常耗时,但它是您的孩子已经这样做可以读取正确。Learning phonics is time consuming but it is something your child has to do to be able to read properly.

平均起来,老师使用它增加了教授声学和词汇等阅读技巧的时间。On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.

平均而言,教师利用它增加了他们教授像看字读音以及单词积累这样阅读技巧的时间。On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.

拼音是基础,没有他们的阅读和你的孩子会遇到问题的学习阅读。Phonics are the foundation of reading and without them your child will have problems when learning to read.

平均起来,老师使用它增加了教授声学和词汇等阅读技巧的时间。On the average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.

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平均上,教师们用该项目增加了教授阅读技巧如读音和生词的时间。On the average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.

高频率生字和押韵故事有助儿童学习英语拼音。Rhyming stories for phonics practice. Stories combine phonically decodable words with high frequently words.

我们复习了以前曾学习的字母并学习了新的字母S。For phonics we have been doing some review with the previous letters and been working with the new letter Ss.