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介绍了冬虫夏草无性型的几种验证方法。Some kinds of identification methods of the cordyceps conidial forms were presented in this paper.

突脐孢属种的分类和鉴定主要依靠分生孢子的形态学。Species classification and identification in this genus has been based mostly on conidial morphology.

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结果表明,热激处理对分生孢子萌发率的影响与热激温度有关。The results had shown that the effects of heat shock on conidial germination depended on the temperature.

结果表明,马铃薯葡萄糖和查氏培养基最适于菌丝生长和产生分生孢子。The results showed that PDA and CzA were most suitable for the growth and conidial production of the fungus.

利用牛粪、土壤等基质诱导捕食线虫真菌指状节丛孢产生孢子捕食器官。Arthrobotrys dactyloides, a species of nematode-trapping fungi, formed conidial trap induced with soils and cow dung.

经孢子体积,DNA含量及营养类型测定证明角变和斑点为杂合二倍体。Comparisons of conidial size and DNA content per conidia for 'hybrids' and parental strains indicated that the 'hybrids' were diploid.

此外,突变株的极性生长、分隔和肌动蛋白细胞骨架的重组都呈现异常。Also, the abnormalities of polar growth, septation and actin organization were observed during conidial germination and hyphal elongation of the mutant.

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本文通过对玉米大斑病菌进行热激处理,观测热激对病菌孢子萌发、菌丝生长速度、菌落形态、菌丝形态等方面的作用。The effects of heat shock on the conidial germination, colony growth, colony and mycelium morphology of Setosphaeria turcica were analyzed in this paper.

建立了孢子悬浮液接种黄瓜子叶测定黄瓜白粉病菌杀菌剂敏感性的简便方法。In this paper a new inoculation method, cotyledon-brushing with conidial suspension in the assay of sensitivity of Sphaerotheca fuliginea on cucumber to fungicide, was introduced.

测定了3种杀虫剂和3种杀菌剂在田间常规浓度下对球孢白僵菌和蜡蚧轮枝菌孢子萌发和菌丝生长的影响。The effect on conidial germination and mycelial growth of Beauveria bassiana and Verticllium lecanii was determined for 3 insecticides and 3 fungicides at conventional field use concentrations.