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这是王冰。This is Helen.

这位是海伦。This is Helen.

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海伦是芬兰人,。Helen is Finnish.

杨玲读得比海伦好。Yang Ling than Helen.

你们是约翰和海伦。Kayo sina John at Helen.

玛丽比海伦技高一筹。Mary is one up on helen.

海伦是露茜的好朋友。Helen is Lucy’s good friend.

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海伦和梅是同学。Helen and May are classmates.

海伦忠实于她的丈夫。Helen cleaves to her husband.

她是绝代佳人。She is as beautiful as Helen.

海伦凯勒生活在美国。Helen Keller lived in the USA.

海伦写一手好字。Helen writes a beautiful hand.

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谁唱得差些,是玛丽还是海伦?Who sing worse, Mary or Helen?

杰克最终将娶海伦为妻。Jack will end by marrying Helen.

四年来,海伦一直在不停地请求。For four years Helen kept asking.

海伦·凯勒高个头儿,很强壮。Helen Keller was tall and strong.

迈克坐在露茜和海伦中间。Mike sits between Lucy and Helen.

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海伦也会唱中文歌曲。Helen can also sing Chinese songs.

海伦舞蹈未无半大时了。Helen has danced for half an hour.

海伦用珠宝把自己打扮起来。Helen was all dolled up in jewels.