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但一些人渐渐地认为这是次要的。But some people insensibly consider it secondary.

他唱歌时自我陶醉的样子真可笑。To revel in conceit or self-importance, usually insensibly.

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为什么这样我们也不清楚,我们只是胡里胡涂地接受这个事实。Though we don't know why, we just insensibly accept the factor.

一整天都是傻呼呼,家里人都以为我变傻子!Insensibly all throughout the day, the family that I change fool!

不久,汤姆不知不觉地关心起眼前的现实来。Tom presently began to drift insensibly back into the concerns of this life again.

时间渐渐过去,不知不觉地天使睡着了,可能。Time is gradual past, insensibly angel asleep, probably very daytime work too tired.

因此,现实中,我们的用户不知不觉在DOC的泥沼中继续前行。Accordingly, in reality, our user goes before the sloughy relay add of DOC insensibly.

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那臭娘们一直拧我的耳朵,搞得我昏迷了一晚上!!!Then smelly women twist my ear all the time, do I am insensibly one in the evening! ! !

身边的这个龙琦,已经在她的心中,不知不觉地成了龙琦的替身。Nearby of the dragon Qi, convert Long Qi's substitute already in her heart and insensibly.

卫生间的门经常在潮湿的环境中,其门框下方不知不觉会腐朽。The door of toilet often is in damp environment, its doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly.

第三,交朋友能令你快乐,可以相互聊天,令你不知不觉就快乐起来。The third, it could make you happy to make friends, you may talk, and to make you happy insensibly.

人们逐渐感到,一座建筑物可能具有威严和神秘的气氛,使人对它的庄严和华丽留下深刻的印象。Insensibly men came to feel that a building might have dignity and mystery, might impress by its grace and beauty.

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因为正是消遣首当其冲地防碍我们的想到自己,并使我们在不知不觉中毁掉自己。For it is this which principally hinders us from reflecting upon ourselves and which makes us insensibly ruin ourselves.

我国大部分人将孩子们的教育放在优先位置。但是有些无知的人认为那是次要的。Most people in our country give priority to their children's education. But some people insensibly consider it secondary.

当我们连结到我们不喜欢的人的时候,我们是咒骂他们、还是理性对话?When we link to people with whom we disagree, are we cursing insensibly at them or engaging in a rational back-and-forth?

两三好友对坐闲聊,窗外斜阳渐落,一个下午的时光溜走得不知不觉。Two 3 good friends are right sit prattle, the setting sun outside the window falls gradually, the days afternoon escapes insensibly.

但树和灌木就是很难区分的,因为没有一种方法来区分一棵树和一株灌木,其中一种不知不觉地渐变为另一种。But tree and bush are hardly that, since there is no way to define a tree versus a bush. The two categories grade insensibly into one another.

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当用户访问这些被挂马知名网站时,就会不知不觉被安装上猫癣下载器。When user visit these are hanged when the horse knows a website, can be gotten on by installation insensibly feline tinea downloads implement.

总之,他和帆船正慢慢地在接近,只要它再往岸边靠近一些,帆船就会接近到离他四分之一哩以内了。However, the vessel and the swimmer insensibly neared one another, and in one of its tacks the tartan bore down within a quarter of a mile of him.

但当她们思虑父亲的心情得到缓解之后,姑娘们便不知不觉地放松了劲儿,又开始回复到旧日的样子。Relieved of their first anxiety about their father, girls insensibly relaxed their praiseworthy efforts a little, and began to fall back into old ways.