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费加罗报称赞这部电影“完美无瑕”。Le Figaro newspaper called the film "faultless".

达什伍德太太同玛丽安一样,也认为他是完美无缺的。In mrs. dashwood's estimation he was as faultless as in marianne's.

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想寻求完美朋友的人,会没有朋友----土耳其成语。Who seeks a faultless friend remains friendless ----Turkish proverb.

我只需低眉顺眼做一个完美的摆设就好。I need low eyebrow simple on the eyes do a faultless decoration nice.

他一贯无忧无虑,消化不错,脸色红润。He had always an easy temper, a faultless digestion, and a rosy cheek.

片中德普饰演了一个生活在郊外的怪人,他精湛的演技也使得该片成为经典。Depp’s faultless performance as a freak in suburbia made the film a modern classic.

我们猜想,艺术虚构的完美是对无暇的自然美的反映。Supposedly, the fabled perfection of art began by mirroring the faultless beauty of nature.

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我们不要求他人完美无缺,我们只要求他们的缺陷不会妨碍我们。We do not ask others to be faultless , we only ask their faults should not incommode to our own.

在欧洲,这些事情都是预先在幕后就做好了的,因为在幕前表演的一切,必须是毫无瑕疵的。In Europe such duties are performed beforehand, behind the scenes, for all that comes in front must be faultless.

永久性地迁移人口对中国并非完美无瑕的政策规划来说,是个严峻考验.Shifting people permanently off the land will be a stern test of Chinese policy planning, which is not faultless.

天底下几乎很难找到一本百分之百的完美无缺的文学作品。On the earth, practically it is very difficult to find a piece of literature work which is hundred percent faultless.

我们一直享有很高的声誉,我们非常有竞争力的价格与高品质,为我们的完美服务。We have been enjoying a high reputation for our very competitive prices with high quality and for our faultless service.

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救主冠冕上的珍珠,晶莹剔透毫无瑕疵,但耶稣是如何让我们无瑕无疵呢?All the maids of honour who attend the Lamb's wife are pure virgins without spot or stain. But how will Jesus make us faultless?

那能保守你们不失脚,叫你们无瑕无疵,欢欢喜喜站在他荣耀之前的,我们的救主独一的神。Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy

该报纸甚至认为伦敦“奥运会不可能比北京更成功”,至少从无懈可击的组织工作来看如此。The paper even suggested that London "couldn't make a better Games than Beijing" – at least not in the faultless organisation stakes.

苏尔寿称它的L5500机器带有序时控制、能自由编程的开车痕阻止器,以确保织物优质无疵。Sultex reports the L5500's chronologically controlled, freely programmable starting mark preventer helps ensure faultless fabric quality.

上天是眷顾沐小小的,给了她一副绝色的容貌,也给了她完美的肌肤。The God is to regard with emotion to bathe very small, gave her the facial arrival of one vice- unique color, also gave her faultless skin.

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他具有对细节与设计的精准眼光,并且敢于陈述自己的观点,这使他成为一位令人愉快的同伴和完美无缺的购物者。Having the precise eyesight to details and design, and courage to state his own point of view, he can be a delightful and faultless shopper.

他完美的恩典和宽恕,使可能的一件事情,我们不敢做,站前的万能造物主上帝无可挑剔。His perfect grace and forgiveness, to make possible the one thing we couldn't dare do, to stand faultless before the all mighty creator God.

石墨烯是一种以单层原子形式存在的碳,然而罕见的是,石墨烯的晶格特征是由六个原子组成的无畸变圆环,就类似于铁丝网的网孔。Graphene is an atom-thick carbon form. However, it seldom appears as a faultless lattice of six-atom rings that are similar to chicken wires.