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一个进化枝可能包括许多进化级。A clade may contain many grades.

判断一个演化支或单源群。Diagnoses a clade or monophyletic group.

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一个进化枝是一个分支,是物种分类中使用的形式。A clade is a 'branch' and is a term used in the taxonomy of species.

用两种方法得到的系统发生树均支持将十指臂尾轮虫作为一个独立的支系分离出来。The NJ and MP trees showed that B. patulus was separated into an independent clade.

汉德斯洞穴骨骼属于进化枝1,只属于现代和古代犬类。The Hinds Cave bone fell into Clade 1, a group belonging solely to modern and ancient dogs.

余下的物种形成一个良好的支持分支,这反过来又可以分为较小的团体。The remaining species form a well-supported clade , which in turn can be divided into smaller groups.

他说,研究最初将把重点放在设计分支C的抗体,这可能用于疫苗。Initially, research will look at designing antibodies against clade C, which could be used in a vaccine, he said.

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暴龙亚科头骨的不同形式演变指示这个分支的头骨形态型有广泛的适应性。The divergence in skull form seen in tyrannosaurines indicates that the skull in this clade had a wide range of adaptive morphotypes.

而酯酶同工酶在幼虫阶段与成虫阶段及工蜂、雄蜂和蜂王之间则有着不同的同工酶谱型。There existed obvious differences of EST isoenzyme between larva phase and adult phase and different isoenzyme zymogram in each intraspecific clade.

聚类分析表明,兴国红鲤、玻璃红鲤和瓯江红鲤为同一分支,荷包红鲤为另一分支。Phylogenetic tree showed Xingguo red carp, glass red carp and Oujiang color carp belong to the same clade, and purse red carp belongs to another clade.

分类学揭示了物种间进化的大量关系。进化枝中的成员来自一个共同的祖先。Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.

即使原犬鳄龙科很原始,牠们已有先进的哺乳类特徵。原犬鳄龙科的外表有点类似兽头亚目。Despite being the basal member of the cynodont clade , they already showed some of the advanced mammalian characteristics, but Procynosuchids bore resemblance to the Therocephalians.

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基于包括一个单一的没描述的马达加斯加球蛛科种类,调查人发现这个种类可能是新大陆社会种类的一个分支。Based on a study that included a single undescribed Malagasy species in the spider genus Anelosimus, investigators found that this species could be grouped within a clade of NewWorld social species.

这东西组织了生物学物种的世系图,可以让用户添加科学的和流行的名字,起源,分布和其他的数据。Clad organizes a tree of biological species, allowing the user to add scientific and popular names, origin, distribution, apomorphies and other information such as pictures or if the clade is extinct.