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西莉亚,这代表了什么?What does it mean, Celia?

西利亚和马库斯去哪了?。Where's Celia and Marcus?

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待我走进房间,西莉亚关上了房门。Celia closed the door behind me.

西利亚纳闷地盯著安德鲁。Celia gazed at andrew curiously.

西莉亚把它放在朱丽亚手�。Celia put it into julia's hands.

西莉亚飓风公开报道.Hurricane Celia Public Advisory.

谁打了西莉亚一记耳光?Who gave Celia a box on the ear?

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西莉亚成为本年度第一个飓风.Celia becomes season’s first hurricane.

在我敲门后,西莉亚开门欢迎我道。Celia said, when she answered my knock.

西莉亚德格雷第一次显出迟疑的神色。For the first time celia de grey hesitated.

西莉亚第一个上双杠。Celia was the first to go on the parallel bars.

当然茜莉娅会照管孩子们。Of course Celia will have custody of the children.

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西莉亚双眼径直望着坐在前两排的显要人物。Celia looked down directly at the two executive rows.

西莉亚笑了一下,把一个小盒子递给朱丽亚。With a quick smila, celia handed a small box to julia.

“我知道,”西莉亚说,“很可能会砸掉我的饭碗。”"i know, " celia said. "it will probably cost my job. "

在拍摄这幅图像后,西莉亚飓风继续加强。Celia continued to strengthen after this image was acquired.

西莉亚早就认定,在这上面她绝不能妥协。Celia had decided long ago she would never temporize on that.

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西莉亚总痛惜她儿子没过上从前的好日子。Celia was always mourning for the good old time her son missed.

西莉亚永远是她的妹妹为里根过于知识。Celia is forever chiding her sister for being much too intellectual.

位置为中美洲西部,可以看到西莉亚的螺旋臂但没有明显的风眼。West of Central America, Celia sports spiral arms but no obvious eye.