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吴国一直雄视着赵国,虎视眈眈。The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao.

但“虎视眈眈”的微软显然不甘心。But " eye covetously " Microsoft is apparent not reconciled to.

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当他盯着这把豪华的武器时,巨龙眼中满是贪婪之色。The dragons' eyes gleamed covetously as he gazed upon the grand weapon.

这只螳螂太专注在它的猎物上,它疏忽了有一只鸟在其身后,正虎视眈眈地注视着它。The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it.

更不曾以自己的地位,而奢侈浮华,或妒害嫔妃。Furthermore, she never used her position to indulge in extravagances or covetously harm the emperor's concubines.

近代,帝国主义列强对中国虎视耽耽。一旦时机成熟,他们就开始瓜分中国。In the modern time, the imperialist powers eyed China covetously. Once the time was ripe, they began to carve up China.

它标志着,公众的眼光不再只盯着富人的收入,还盯着他们的财产。It is a sign that what the public is eyeing covetously is no longer just the incomes of rich people but also their wealth.

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因此,一边倒的舆论背后是利益集团虎视眈眈的套利风险。Therefore, leans to one side behind the public opinion is the arbitrage risk which the special interest group eyes covetously.

他那单调的脸上长着一张宽大的、淌着口水的、没牙齿的大嘴,两只橘黄色的爬行动物眼睛从巨大的脑袋上贪婪地注视着周围。A wide, drooling toothless grin split his flat face, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes stared covetously from his immense head.

他是一个全神贯注寻找发言机会的人,就像一个蹲在路边虎视眈眈准备拦路抢劫的强盗一样。He put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, ready covetously to a highway robbery.

很多宗师都想代表自己的门派,虎视眈眈地盯着这个展示实力的位置,包括他的徒弟马三。Many masters who represented their own faction, covetously eyed on this position to show actual strength, including his apprentice Ma San.

他是一个全神贯注寻找发言机会的人,就像一个蹲在路边虎视眈眈准备拦路抢劫的强盗一样。He may put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, being ready covetously to a highway robbery.

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坐在替补席上的万厚良、张彭等人都虎视眈眈,等待发威机会。Sits is good on substitution mat's Wan Hou, Zhang Peng et al. eye covetously , waited for that assumes an awe-inspiring pose the opportunity.

而意大利的钟表却在手工界位居第一,这也是众多收藏家对意大利钟表虎视眈眈的原因。And of Italy horological rank the first in manual bound however, this also is numerous collector the reason of horological to Italy eye covetously.

除了上述五个尺度外,还有韩国的DMB尺度、欧洲的DVB-H以及美国高通公司都在虎视眈眈。Besides 5 afore-mentioned standards, the DVB-H of the DMB level that still has Korea, Europe and United States connect a company high to be in eye covetously.

丑陋的官僚、邪恶的侵略者、阴毒的特务、全都对中国奥运第1人虎视眈眈,欲置之于死地。The ugly bureaucrat, the evil invader, the sinister and ruthless spy, all eyes covetously to the Chinese Olympic Games first person, wants to set at it in the deathtrap.

如今拖着疲惫身体的他将要面对的是虎视眈眈的佩佩和卡纳瓦罗,不知道他能否再度成为球队的救世主。Now those who tow exhausted body's him to be going to face is eyes covetously wears with the Karner Warro, did not know whether he does become the team once again Savior.

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而家得宝、罗氏等其他国际建材超市巨头也对中国市场一直虎视眈眈。And the home gets the tycoon of supermarket of other international building materials such as treasure, collect family name to also be opposite Chinese market all the time eye covetously.

但是,在目前俄罗斯虎视眈眈以及拒绝从格鲁吉亚完全撤军的情况下,加速乌克兰加入北约的进程是不合时宜的。But, in the present Russia eyes covetously as well as the rejection in the situation which withdraws troops completely from Georgia, accelerates Ukraine to join NATO's advancement is inopportune.