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这不过是宅着做冒险的主题需求罢了。It's just sedentary adventurism in need of a subject.

多年以来,它一直利用自己的否决权使得朝鲜的政治冒险主义不在联合国的议事日程上。For years it had used the threat of its veto to keep North Korean adventurism off the Security Council's agenda.

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多年来,中国一直用其一票否决权来保护朝鲜,在安理会的议程中避开其冒险主义。For years it had used the threat of its veto to keep North Korean adventurism off the Security Council’s agenda.

究竟俄罗斯最近的油价暴跌和衰退是否会对他的地缘政治冒险主义产生影响,目前仍有待观察。Whether the latest oil price plunge and recession have any impact on his geopolitical adventurism remains to be seen. Mr.

但这不仅仅是韩国单方面的缓和退让政策,前提是朝鲜必须放弃其“军事冒险主义”。However, it is not only the one sided flexibility, the "military adventurism" must be left behind at first by the North Korea.

我们要采用胡萝卜加大棒的办法准备给冒险主义以惩罚,愿意在负责行动的背景下发展关系。We would pursue a carrot-and-stick approach, ready to impose penalties for adventurism , willing to expand relations in the context of responsible behavior.

甚至可能恶化为军事冒险主义,利用并以此消除未婚男性的怒气和挫折感——过去并非没有前车之鉴。Even worse would be military adventurism to occupy and work off the steam and frustrations of the unmarried males—another effect seen of gender imbalance in the past.

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政府可能决定采取武装冒险主义把这些多余的男性当做武器,而且积极的希望看到他们为追求国家利益牺牲生命”。The government may decide to use the surplus men as a weapon for military adventurism and "actively desire to see them give their lives in pursuit of a national interest".

政府可能把这些过剩的的男性当做军事冒险主义的炮灰,而且积极的希望看到他们为追求国家利益牺牲生命”。The government may decide to use the surplus men as a weapon for military adventurism and “actively desire to see them give their lives in pursuit of a national interest”.

这是一种务实主义,现在看起来似乎是毛时代之后的特征,“新”中国军事冒险主义和政治帝国主义不再是他们优先考虑的。This is the kind of pragmatism that now seems to characterize the post-Mao, "new" China. Military adventurism and political imperialism no longer appear to be their priorities.

美国“镀金时代”历时16年,随着1893年的金融恐慌结束,陷入萧条,之后是一个国内改革,国外冒险的进步时代。The United States’ Gilded Age lasted for 16 years, ending with a financial panic in 1893 that turned into a depression, then a Progressive era that saw reform at home and adventurism abroad.