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那会严重伤害她的自尊心。It would be mortifying her severely.

这是一次讨厌丢人的经历。It was a truly mortifying and disgusting experience.

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对任何人来说第一个电话必然是令人气恼。For anyone involved I'm sure the first call was mortifying.

之后,他又在她身上发现了几个同样叫人怄气的地方。To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.

他们在为我难过,为什么我轻易原谅了你。I think they feel sorry for me, which is just as mortifying.

紧接着这个发现之后,他又在她身上发现了几个同样叫人怄气的地方。To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.

对你和你姐姐来说是一个负担的想法让他们感到受辱。The idea of being a burden to you and your sister is mortifying.

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去吃掉克莱尔这样的想法,我从未有过,而且想到这一点就令人痛心。The thought of eating Claire is more than foreign to me.It's mortifying.

这话说得沉着镇静,但也是够折磨人令人丧气的。This, spoken in a cool, tranquil tone, was mortifying and baffling enough.

失败是如此压抑,如此具有破坏性,它让你变成隐形人。Failure that is so mortifying and so devastating that it makes you try to become invisible.

我要坦诚的向你表白,我无法长时间注视着猴子,而不作出令人痛心的回想。I confess freely to you , i could never look long upon a monkey without very mortifying reflections.

等一分钟,这个对我们来说是一个很短的时间,可能发生的事情会让人悔恨终生。And so on one minute, this to us is very short time, possibly occurs the matter can mortifying life-long.

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因为没有勇气摇树而得不到李子,还有比这个感觉更痛心旳事吗?What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree?

我只能在此假定一个理论,但是又想责备那些小说中高频率出现的令人痛心的性描写,作者是那些依靠幻想天性的男人们。I can only posit a theory, but I tend to blame the higher rate of mortifying sex scenes in novels by men on the nature of their fantasies.

皮埃尔只是在不停地观看夜空时,才不觉得一切尘世的东西在与他的灵魂所处的高度相比照时,竟然卑微到令人感到受辱的地步。It was only looking at the sky that Pierre forgot the mortifying meanness of all things earthly in comparison with the height his soul had risen to.

威廉原来还想给她买一根金项链,但钱不够没有买成。因此,她要是不戴这个十字架,那会伤他的心。William had wanted to buy her a gold chain too, but the purchase had been beyond his means, and therefore not to wear the cross might be mortifying him.

本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇对剧院后门外守候的粉丝们即兴说了一番话,表示他对演出期间观众录像一事感到“痛心”。Benedict Cumberbatch gave an impromptu speech to fans outside the stage door, saying people filming in the audience was a "mortifying" experience for him.

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当她读到他提起她家里人的那一段时,其中措辞固然伤人感情,然而那一番责难却也入情入理,于是她越发觉得惭愧。When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned, in terms of such mortifying yet merited reproach, her sense of shame was severe.

但最近,我每次出门溜达的时候,纯素食主义者就会对我不断嚷嚷,你如果吃过猪排,那就和吃过一大块狗肉一样。It's mortifying. But lately, it seems as if every time I turn around, a vegan is insisting that feasting on a pork chop is morally equivalent to eating a hunk of dog meat.

对于本联盟事务的管理不称职的联邦章程,在国内外被证明他们的痛苦和屈辱的每一天的经验。The incompetency of the Articles of Confederation for the management of the affairs of the Union at home and abroad was demonstrated to them by the painful and mortifying experience of every day.