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机油加到机油尺最高位。Add oil level to dipstick max level.

安装引擎机油尺并确认它安放在管中。Install dipstick and verify it is seated in e tube.

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安装引擎机油尺并确认它安放在管中。Install dipstick and verify it is seated in the tube.

此输出类似于汽车油尺。This output is analogous to the oil dipstick in a car.

发动机使用一个标尺检查发动机油位。The engine oil level is checked using a dipstick in the engine.

他刚把散热器里灌满了水这位女士又找他要根新量油尺。As soon as he had filled the radiator the lady asked him for a new dipstick.

这种试纸测试也可以检查你的尿液,血液和蛋白质水平。The dipstick test can also check the blood and protein levels in your urine.

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检查机油液面是否在机油尺的最小刻度和最大刻度之间。Make sure the level is between the minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick.

有性生活的青少年每年验尿检查白血球。Yearly dipstick urinalysis for leukocytes for all sexually active adolescents.

拧下机油加油口盖并一次加少量机油,检查量油尺。Remove the oil filter cap and add engine oil a little at a time, check the dipstick.

据一项对400名新加坡居民的调查显示,新加坡居民对牙齿十分呵护。Singaporeans are taking care of their pearly whites, going by a dipstick survey on 400 people.

只使用同一类型的输送流体按主人的手册或调查表。Use only the same type of the transmission fluid as specified in the owner's manual or on the dipstick.

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快速纤维素试纸试验已验证供现场使用,以迅速地筛查患者的鼠疫杆菌抗原。Rapid dipstick tests have been validated for field use to quickly screen for Y. pestis antigen in patients.

因为AL4自动波箱系冇油呎,所以检查程序有多少特别。There is no dipstick for the AL4 automatic transmission, and the level checking procedure is slightly unusual.

制定控制计划来追终内部调查和其他因子,以此建立起一个预测模型。Plans are to use the response of employees on the internal dipstick along with other factors to build an attrition prediction model.

中国科学家开发出了一种能够监测口蹄疫的试纸,他们说这是首次研发出针对这种疾病的试纸。A dipstick that can test for foot and mouth disease has been developed by Chinese scientists, who say it is the first for the disease.

您可以在汽车的使用手册上找到机油尺的所在位置,不过大多数汽车上的机油尺都装有有色把手,因此很容易找到。Your car owner′s manual will tell you where to locate the dipstick but on most vehicles, it is easily recognised by its coloured handle.

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这种试纸还有一个很大的优点,那就是它在炎热气候中可以保持数周不过期,在最高45摄氏度的环境下还能可靠地工作。The dipstick also has the considerable advantage of being stable for weeks in hot weather, and works reliably at up to 45 degrees Celsius.

研究者现在还不能预测颇有希望的咖啡因测试试纸合适才能商业化,研究者正在准备专利申请文件。Ladenson said he couldn't predict when his hoped-for caffeine dipstick might be commercially available. He said he has filed a patent application.

目的通过与显微镜检测、干化学检测进行比较的方法对尿沉渣分析仪UF-50临床应用评价。ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical performance of Sysmex UF-50 automated urinalysis analyzer by comparing UF-50 test results with those of automated dipstick reader and microscopy.