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这包括戏剧,喜剧,无剧本的表演,以及杂志。This included dramas, comedies, unscripted fare and newsmagazines.

我热爱这些无剧本的演出,因为它们每次都不同。I love these unscripted shows because they’re different every time.

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很多人都认为自己可以脱稿演讲,可事实上却常常回头看屏幕。Many people think that they can unscripted speech, can in fact often look back at the screen.

李.艾尔米实际上是一位真正的教官,他的角色在这部经典的战争电影中才是真正的不用剧本。R. Lee Ermey was actually a real drill sergeant and his part in this classic war film was largely unscripted.

没有剧本的节目获得了使得有脚本部分杰出的出人意料的结果。the popularity of unscripted programming has had the unexpected effect of ennobling its scripted counterpart.

脱稿出丑传奇般的布什在2002年联合国关于伊拉克问题的演讲上使用了视读仪。Mr. Bush, whose unscripted gaffes were legendary, used a teleprompter for his 2002 speech to the United Nations on Iraq.

之后,奥巴马夫妇走进了灌木林,消失在人们的视线中,这一让人意想不到的时刻让记者们纷纷猜测他们去了哪里。As the Obamas walked behind shrubbery and out of sight, the unscripted moment left reporters guessing where they were going.

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两届奥运会冠军、资深花样滑冰运动解说员迪克-巴顿说”又哭又吻“的表现是为了那些电视脚本之外的时刻而设计的。Dick Button, a two-time Olympic champion and longtime skating commentator, said the kiss-and-cry was made for unscripted moments like those.

但是在即席发言的时刻,更远远超过任何迈克尔迪弗的提出为电视舞台艺术,这表明他的本质的自我里根。But it was in unscripted moments, far more than any of Michael Deaver's made-for-television stagecraft, that Reagan showed his essential self.

唯一的要求就是2/3的适用,然后就成为国家惯例,而且无可争辩的就成为了国家的根本法。The only requirement is that two-thirds apply, and then begins the drama of an unscripted national convention to debate questions of fundamental law.

不同于罗森博格在他父亲影院中看过的那些逃避现实的影片,这些颗粒状的黑白图像可是直击人心、没有剧本的叙事。Unlike the escapist movies that Rosenberg had seen at his father’s cinemas, the grainy black-and-white images had the blunt force of unscripted narrative.

现在中国领导者的行为方式都是一致的。明显突出个人主义是有风险的,与外国记者脱稿交流也一样。These days, the Chinese leadership operates through consensus. Prominent displays of individualism are risky, as are unscripted engagements with the foreign media.

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正如纽约时报所指出的,那些去伊拉克游览的国会议员几乎从未同政治立场还未明确的普通伊拉克人举行过有准备的会晤。As the New York Times has noted, congressional visitors to Iraq almost never have unscripted meetings with average Iraqis whose political views aren't already known.

随性之旅都是自由行,一些人把它看作是速配的加长版,多次游玩过程中,两人可以增进了解。Unscripted casual travel with a loose itinerary is also considered by some the long form of speed dating where people really can get to know each other in varied circumstances.

好莱坞可能创造了世界上最好的电视剧,但是不列颠在世界非稿本节目中占有统治地位——智力竞赛题目,唱歌比赛以及其他形式的情景秀。Hollywood may create the world's best TV dramas, but Britain dominates the global trade in unscripted programmes—quiz shows, singing competitions and other forms of reality television.

卡梅隆的发言中还提到了今天“不确定世界”存在的危险,似乎他觉得让冷战如此“确定”的大规模核对峙是一件好事。Cameron's unscripted comments described the dangers of today's "uncertain world", as if the hair-trigger from nuclear Armageddon that characterised cold war stability was somehow a blessing.

报名一个即兴表演课程可能会为你打开另一条戏剧性的职业发展轨道,同时通过没有剧本的角色扮演,还能教会你自己思考并预测同伴的下一个举动。Enrolling in an improv acting class could lead to other thespian career paths, but it can also teach you to think on your feet and anticipate your co-worker's next move through unscripted role play.