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都是经济快速增长,却分配不均的原因。It's this inequitable distribution of growth.

结果是加州的税务系统即不能体现平等,也不能实现稳定。The result was a tax system that is both inequitable and unstable.

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这个世界是不公平的。如果有公平,那一定是假的!It is inequitable in the world. That is bogus if some one saying dispassion.

因为搜索引擎正在不断的更新和对付这种不公平的方案。Because search engine, be being updated ceaselessly and meet this kind of inequitable plan.

这样子的话对于那些踏踏实实做网站的企业就太不公平了。The business that the word of this appearance does a website to those sureness is too inequitable.

百度难道收录8万多条全部是死链接的信息,对用户是不公平的。Baidu collects many 80 thousand information that is dead link entirely, it is inequitable to the user.

说它不公平是因为拥有房产较长时间的房主交的财产税比他们的较晚买房的邻居少得多。It’s inequitable because older homeowners often pay far less property tax than their younger neighbors.

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他们把巴西变为世界上最不公平的国家,现在看起来是他们偿还的时候了。They had turned Brazil into one of the most inequitable places on earth, and now it looked like payback time.

农民在失地后得不到合理安排而造成“失地农民问题”是迫切需要解决的。It is urgent to solute the problems of farmers losing their land caused by inequitable compensation arrangements.

由于不公平的社会保护安排,一些富裕国家有大量人口不能获得保健。Some rich countries have large populations without access to care because of inequitable arrangements for social protection.

分析肯尼亚为应对护士在农村和缺医少药地区的分布不均而启动的紧急护士招聘计划带来的影响。To analyse the effect of Kenya’s Emergency Hiring Plan for nurses on their inequitable distribution in rural and underserved areas.

不管这个国家是否是民主制,如果放任不平等性经济增长,后果将难以想像。and democratic country. And then in the sense it's hard to imagine that there will not be a reaction to the inequitable growth process.

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差异化的健康状况主要是由于社会经济因素,尤其是母亲或看护者的教育水平的差异所造成的。Inequitable health outcomes are largely due to socioeconomic factors, especially differences in the educational level of mothers or caregivers.

在全球、国家和地方各级处理造成这些状况的结构性因素,即权力、金钱和资源的分配不公问题。Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources – the structural drivers of those conditions – globally, nationally and locally.

为落实委员会关于改善日常生活环境的建议,还需要解决资源分配不公问题。Enacting the recommendations of the Commission to improve daily living conditions will also require tackling the inequitable distribution of resources.

为此,王冠珏认为百度滥用市场支配,进行不公正的竞价排名,与百度翻了脸。For this, crown penannular jade ring thinks Baidu abuse market is controlled, undertake inequitable contest price is ranked, crossed a face with Baidu.

意识到这种不均衡增长的风险,中央政府一直试图发展像小刘故乡,山西这样的内陆省份。The central government, well aware of the risks of inequitable growth, has been trying to channel more development to inland provinces like Shanxi, Ms.

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他生动地阐述了全球GDP分配中的高度不平衡、发展中国家的极度贫困和缺少机会。He vividly described the highly inequitable distribution of global GDP, and the crushing incidence of poverty and lack of opportunity in the developing world.

此协议的有效性不受某一条款无效的影响,除非其结果是特别不公平或极不公正的。The validity of this Agreement shall not be affected by the invalidity of a provision thereof unless the result would be manifestly inequitable or unconscionable.

不管医疗市场和官僚部门的改革能否适应,非保险者医疗问题的摩擦和不公平性必须得到解决。But regardless of whether market or bureaucratic health care reforms are adopted, the chafing and inequitable nature of the medically uninsured problem must be addressed.