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他们祝贺他七十岁寿辰。They congratulated him on his seventieth birthday.

后天是父亲的七十岁生日。The day after tomorrow is father's seventieth birthday.

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后天是父亲的七十岁生日。Thee day after tomorrow is father's seventieth birthday.

泰勒总统七十岁生日时,他第十五个孩子降生了。Tyler was past his seventieth birthday when his 15th child was born.

我就这样度过了七十岁生日,我本来也就想这么过。So I passed my seventieth birthday and so I would have wished to pass it.

为纪念庆祝七十岁生日,海地市立博物馆为其举办第一次作品回顾展。First retrospective to mark his seventieth birthday in the Gemeentemuseum The Hague.

毕竟是民主哺育了苏格拉底,并允许他自由地进行哲思,直到他七十岁为止。a democracy that produced Socrates and allowed him to philosophize freely until his seventieth year.

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女性迪洛矮人生育年龄长达五十年,从七十岁到一百二十岁。Derro females are fertile for about fifty years between their seventieth and one hundred and twentieth year.

时钟走到了第七十分钟,从这个三十四岁的老将那里打出了一记斜射,这个晚上第三次穿透了福雷。The clock had hit the seventieth minute, a diagonal shot from the thirty-four year old beat Frey for the third time in the evening.

1969年,他甚至在白宫主办了一次音乐会,纪念爵士音乐家杜克.埃林顿七十岁诞辰。He even produced the White House concert in celebration of jazz musician Duke Ellington's seventieth birthday in nineteen sixty-nine.

有一天,我还看见过一个老头子,使我惊讶不已,他用一把锄头挖洞至少挖了第七十次了,但他自己却不预备躺在里面。I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!

自从在上个世纪六七十年代的第二次女性主义运动浪潮中被重新评估后,伊迪丝.华顿便被人们奉为一位杰出的女性主义先行者。After being reevaluated in the second wave of feminist movement in the sixties and seventieth of the last century, Edith Wharton has been established as an outstanding precursor of feminism.