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请告诉我巴航124班机的到达时间好吗??Would you please tell me about the arrival of PIA Flight 124?

他叹了口气,然后走向电脑,在谷歌搜索栏中输入了“皮娅·左达拉”。He sighed, walked over to his computer, and Googled Pia Zadora.

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明黑,我们将通知巴航工作人员,我们想知道你有什么故障。Roger, we will inform PIA staffs and we want to know what kind of trouble you have.

目的观察慢性低脑灌注状态软脑膜血管组织细胞活性改变。To observe the cellular changes of the pia vessels after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.

进厂检验指的是在装货时检查PIA零件是否齐全的操作。Incoming inspection is when a PIA part is checked in the load operation for completeness.

他叹了口气,然后走向电脑,在谷歌搜索栏中输入了“皮娅·左达拉”。她应该才刚过40吧。He sighed, walked over to his computer, and Googled Pia Zadora. She couldn't be much past 40.

大脑绒被从软膜和大脑皮层之间穿过的极细的小血管形成的网。A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex.

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给我订两张巴航104次飞往开罗和两张法航53次从开罗飞往日内瓦的机票。Book me two seats on Flight PIA 104 to Cairo, and two seats on Flight AF 53 from Cairo to Geneva.

在软脑脊膜和蜘蛛网膜间一个充满脑脊髓液的空间。Real space filled with cerebrospinal fluid located between the pia mater and the arachnoid membrane.

然后,根据退休年龄、家庭状况和其他收入来调整基本保障额,计算出实际养老金。To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings.

皮亚享有新鲜水为她跳成一个小湖中温肯在奥地利的萨尔茨堡省,星期六,2010年7月3日。Pia enjoys the fresh water as she jumps into a little lake in Unken in the Austrian province of Salzburg, Saturday, July 3, 2010.

结果血管生长素在正常大鼠脑中普遍弱阳性表达,脑膜、室管膜及血管染色较为明显。Results Angiogenin was expressed weakly but widely in rat brain, the expression was relatively strong in cerebral pia mater, ependyma, and vessels.

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年以来就挥舞着他们的魔法般的、充满探险精神的设计之剑,他们共同创造了独特的色彩创作和令人惊叹的图案。Eva Ingemar and Pia Claudi have swung their magic, avantgardistic design sword since 1991. Together they have created unique color creations and breathtaking patterns.

硬膜外腔段神经根被它所带出的软脊膜、蛛网膜和硬脊膜包裹,被膜厚度随层次增加而增加。The nerve roots in epidural space segments were enwrapped in spinal pia mater, arachnoid and spinal dura mater, and the thickness of capsule gradually increased as layers grew.