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结论我国南澳县是恙虫病疫源地。Conclusion The Nanao county is the epidemic area of tsutsugamushi disease.

本研究对该地区恙虫病疫源地进行全面研究。This study has investigated the region for the epidemic area of tsutsugamushi disease.

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方法对42例恙虫病患者进行回顾性分析。Methods The clinical data of 42 tsutsugamushi disease patients were retrospectively analyzed.

恙虫病是由感染恙螨幼虫叮咬人体传入恙虫病立克次体所致的急性传染病。Tsutsugamushi disease is caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamushithrough the bite of vector chigger mite on human.

目的探讨恙虫病患者病程中肝功能的变化及临床意义。Objective To analyze the changes and clinical significance of liver function of patients with tsutsugamushi disease.

连年流行的原因,除自然因素外,与人群免疫水平低下和预防措施不力有关。Besides natural factors, the outbreak of tsutsugamushi was mainly due to low community immunity and inefficient preventive measures.

目的对宁德市的恙虫病进行地理流行病学调查,为今后防制提供依据。Objective In order to provide useful information for prevention and control of tsutsugamushi to study its geographical epidemiology.

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结论福建省武夷山林区人群存在人粒细胞无形体感染,并且是莱姆病、恙虫病重叠流行区。It is concluded that endemic A. phagocytophila infection exists in the north forest area of Fujian province and co-infected with B. burgdorferi and O. tsutsugamushi.

目的了解恙虫病发生的原因和流行现状,为做好当地恙虫病的防治工作提供科学依据。OBJECTIVE To analysis the epidemic status of tsutsugamushi disease and explore the causation of the the outbreak, and to guide the treatment and prevention of tsutsugamushi disease.

血清流行病学调查表明该地区居民与部队人群均存在恙虫病立克次体抗体。The serologic results show that antibody to Orientia tsutsugamushi is positive in the residents and army crowd. After the prevent measures were carried out, the incidence was descent.