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在纵横上“过度朋友”很糟糕Over-Friending is a Bad Idea on Latitude

SPI的股份相同纬度的南滩。SPI "shares" the same " latitude " South Beach.

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航船的纬度为南纬二十度。The latitude of the ship is twenty degrees south.

站台1的纬度上有很大的差异。There is a large discrepancy in latitude at station1.

这张地图甚至包含了经线和纬线。The map even includes lines of latitude and longitude.

靠近北纬度或南纬度的无风的地带或区域。Beijing is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.

北纬25度临近于北回归线,具有明显的回归带特征。Latitude 25N, has the obvious characteristic of tropic area.

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在日常的自我管理下,他们有广泛的行动自由。They are given wide latitude in their daily self-management.

地理纬度低,其硬脂酸含量高。The geographic latitude lower, the stearic acid content higher.

难道所有人都关心自己所在的确切经纬度?Why would anyone care about their exact latitude and longitude?

地图上一般都会经纬线的,请大家查一下“巴黎”具体位置。So check out a map that has latitude and longitude marked on it.

海关对产品重新分类的范围也缩小了。The latitude of customs to reclassify products was also reduced.

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北纬或南纬线,超过该线,树木不能生长。The northern or southern latitude beyond which trees do not grow.

出生时阳光和纬度影响生命后期的更年期症状。Sunlight and latitude at birth may affect menopause later in life.

长大后,韩先生说,他父母给他的广泛的自由。Growing up, Mr. Han says he was given wide latitude by his parents.

南北回归线是日照直射点的最远纬度。Tropic of capricorn and cancer is the furthest latitude of sunlight.

地球上每一点都可以用地理纬度和经度来确定。Each point on Earth is specified by geographic latitude and longitude.

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在交响乐湖畔N箭头所指处的经度和纬度各是多少?What is the latitude and longitude of the N-arrow in the Symphony Lake?

个别美国政客在提出新法时有着很大的回旋余地。Individual American politicians have great latitude to propose new laws.

在球极坐标下,将球面按纬度分解为两个非重叠子区域。In the case of two subdomains, the subdomains are decomposed by latitude.