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调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。The content of the settlement agreement shall not contravene the law.

所有的网站都说如果你违反了条款他们将保留这个权利。All poker sites reserve the right to do this if you contravene their terms and conditions.

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这种方法很难大规模使用,并且可能和关于乡海洋中倾倒物质的国际法相悖。Hard to do on a significant scale and could contravene international laws on ocean dumping.

对各类土地违法违规案件都要严肃查处。We will strictly investigate and prosecute all cases of land use that contravene laws and regulations.

香港特别行政区立法机关制定的任何法律,均不得同本法相抵触。No law enacted by the legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall contravene this Law.

澳门特别行政区的任何法律、法令、行政法规和其他规范性文件均不得同本法相抵触。No law, decree, administrative regulations and normative acts of the Macao Special Administrative Region may contravene this Law.

立法会议事规则由立法会自行制定,但不得与本法相抵触。The rules of procedure of the Legislative Council shall be made by the Council on its own, provided that they do not contravene this Law.

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如果将某物据为己有,这个过程便违背了上帝的意愿,灾难将降临到他的头上When he tries to take the things into his own hands, and in the process,to contravene the will of God, only terrible things can happen to him.

欧洲委员会声称该方案的细节解释得很清楚,以证明并没有违背国内市场的原则。The commission said that France had spelled out the details of the plan to show that it did not contravene the principles of the internal market.

即便是预算盈馀的国家,维持或提高补贴也不利于控制通胀,并且会与货币政策收紧形成抵触.And even for countries with a surplus, keeping subsidies or expanding them would have an adverse effect on inflation control and would contravene tightening monetary policies.

动物权益倡议人士称,鸟类被灌胶陷阱捕捉后,翅膀被胶粘连,痛苦挣扎,最终脖子被扭断或者头被压碎,鸟儿们遭受了极端痛苦的折磨才死去,这明显违犯了欧盟野生动物保护法。Campaigners say the painful deaths suffered by the birds, whose wings are glued together before their necks are broken or their heads squashed, contravene European wildlife laws.

然而,当前的课堂教授教养在教授教养目的、教授教养内容、教授教养入程和教授教养评价中存在着不少违背生态请求的非生态现象。However, the teaching purposes, contents, process and evaluation of the current classroom teaching, there are many non-eco-phenomena which contravene the ecological requirements.

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在有一种干预措施中,政府会否决某些章程条款,或要求公司以同原始章程的精神相抵触的方式,对其进行修改。In one type of intervention, the government disallows certain charter provisions or requires corporate charters to be changed in ways that contravene the spirit of the original charter.

根据该公司披露,政府称该公司与其VIE所签署的协议违反了中国政府关于外商投资企业的规定,与公共政策相悖。According to the company, the authorities said the agreements contravene current Chinese management processes related for foreign-invested enterprises and, as a result, are against public policy.