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人们走过她的帐房。Whoever passes her yurt.

所以在进蒙古包之前。So, before entering the yurt.

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蒙古包就在那座庙背后。His yurt stood behind the temple.

他们好像正往我住的那个毡房跑呢。They seem to be running toward the yurt where I am staying.

成吉思汗陵的主体是由三个蒙古包式的宫殿一字排开构成。The subject was genghis khan's palace by three yurt type survivors.

而毡房已成为旅游,骑马成为一种体验。While yurt has become travel, horse riding has become a kind of experience.

昨晚在那里,他邀请我们到他的蒙古包里一起庆祝他的41岁生日。Our last night out there, he invited us to his yurt to celebrate his 41stbirthday.

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蒙古包的顶端有个大洞,除了可以排出火烟,还能引进阳光。A yurt has a large hole at the top where smoke can go out and sunlight can come in.

接着,坐在蒙古包里啃羊腿、喝酒、听蒙古音乐。Then, sitting in a yurt gnawing leg of lamb, drink, listen to the music of Mongolia.

这些白褐色的穹顶是所谓的“蒙古包”,古时候人们的家,今天亦是如此。Those white brownish domes are what's called "yurt", the homes of ancient people, but also today.

草原鄂温克族毡帐文化既具有毡帐民族文化的共性特征,也有其特殊性。Cuhure of Ewenki's yurt in grassland has national yurt culture's commonness as well as its specialty.

我越往西走,进入到新疆地区,越多这种常见的蒙古包跃入我的眼帘。The further I traveled to the West, into Xinjiang Region, the more common those yurt came into sight.

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“圆顶帐篷”是游牧民族的传统居住房屋,是一种可以移动的、在木制格子架上蒙上毛毡的帐篷。A yurt is a portable, felt-covered, wood lattice-framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads.

蒙古包适合游牧民族的生活,就好像其他中国人生活在一个有边界的村庄里一样。The yurt is suited for nomadic life, and like the Chinese, Mongols live within the boundaries of a village.

现今到十月前,草原的草已经变绿,我们可以选择住在海拉尔市,或者直接住在草原里的蒙古包里面。From now to October, the prairie is green. We can live a hotel in Hailar or in a Mongolian yurt on the grassland.

凌晨我走到外面,看见两条狗依偎在毡房的墙上取暖。In the early hours of the morning, I go outside to find two of the camp dogs huddled beside the felt walls of the yurt for warmth.

蒙古包内部其实不小,冬暖夏凉,蒙古包上方都会有一个天窗可打开,白天时可打开以增加照明。The yurts are actually not that small inside and it's cool in summer and warm in winter days. Every yurt has a skylight on its top.

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该项目采用地方建造知识和当地材料,如砖混和木栅格结构,对传统蒙古包进行传承。The project employs local construction knowledge, such as mud bricks and lattice structures, without literal nostalgia for the yurt.

高山上清新的空气使毡房外的声音变得清晰,所以百米外羊圈里的羊好像就在毡房外面。The clear mountain air exaggerates every exterior sound so that the sheep in their pen a hundred metres away sound as if they have surrounded the yurt.

地质公园内集中连片地分布着各种各样造型奇特的风蚀地貌,例如,“蒙古包”、“骆驼”、“石鸟”、“石人”、“石佛”、“石马”等,千姿百态,惟妙惟肖。Inside the park, stretches of numerous "sculptures" made by nature were scattered everywhere, such as camel, stone bird, horse, Yurt in Mongolia Grassland.