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为何如此不同?Why that discrepancy?

实在是天差地别What a huge discrepancy there.

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这种不一致发人省思。This discrepancy should be sobering.

他不能说明这个差数问题。He could not account for the discrepancy.

我们尚不清楚为什么会存在这种差异。We don't know why there is this discrepancy.

这种差异有大部分原因是历史造成的。Much of this discrepancy is to do with history.

占很大一部分,我认为贫富差距很大。but there's also that huge, I think discrepancy.

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请稍等,请核对契证上是否有出入?Is there any discrepancy in the title deed of house?

站台1的纬度上有很大的差异。There is a large discrepancy in latitude at station1.

如果有任何不符,请您的客户进行修订。If there is any discrepancy please ask your customer to amend it.

重量的顺序颠倒不应看作是不符点。The transposing of the weights should not be seen as a discrepancy.

无骨盆畸形愈合、腰骶部疼痛、下肢不等长等并发症。No pelvic malunion, low back pain or leg length discrepancy was found.

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上述估测之所以天差地别就是因为所谓的“隐性债务”在作怪。The wide discrepancy in estimates is due to the so-called hidden debts.

国家之间的冲突是这样,个人之间的差异也是如此。This is as true of national conflict as it is of individual discrepancy.

两份关于那次战役的报道大有出入。There was considerable discrepancy between the two accounts of the battle.

双侧性后牙错咬的情况,通常是伴随有骨骼性的问题。Cases with bilateral posterior crossbite usually have skeletal discrepancy.

对于产出差异,与制造部和主生产计划及时沟通。Communicate with MFG and Master Scheduler for the yield discrepancy in time.

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战斗记录当中对骑士的治疗记录有错误。There is a discrepancy in the combat log when casting Paladin healing spells.

若单证不符,一个不符点扣15美元手续费。In case documents presented with discrepancies, a discrepancy fee of USD 15.00.

在需要时,从临床上和影象学上对肢体长度进行评定。Leg-length discrepancy was assessed clinically and radiographically when needed.