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在我们的血液里已不再存在封建制和君主制的病害。Feudal and monarchical maladies no longer run in our blood.

是君主制和帝国政治。It's structured on monarchical and imperial ideas of politics.

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卡扎菲上校的暴政是绝对的,君主式的,侵害到每个人。Colonel Qaddafi's tyranny was absolutist, monarchical and personal.

这一宣言代表了对大革命前的君主政体的批判。The Declaration represented a repudiation of the pre-Revolutionary monarchical regime.

中国古代的君权交替过程与故君的丧礼有直接关系。In ancient China, monarchical power transfer was directly related to the late monarch's obsequies.

这样,就为君权和教权的合流在组织上建立起了有效的机制。Thus, as of monarchical and religious right confluence of the organization to establish an effective mechanism.

中世纪的封建教权、宗教幽灵在文艺复兴之初还在作怪。The thoughts of feudal monarchical power and religious ghost were still strong at the beginning of the Renaissance.

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唐代君权与皇族地位的关系演变大体上可以分为三个阶段。In Tang Dynasty, the relationship between monarchical power and the royal's status could be divided into three phases.

换句话说,那里有一个王权至上,富有的君主专制国家In other words, you have a degree of monarchical power control of true, monarchical power, of a wealthy monarchical power.

它代表若干世纪的君主政体和永恒的人权之间的那一刹那。It represented the minute at loggerheads on the one hand with the monarchical centuries, on the other hand with eternal right.

君主式力量无法单独统治这个帝国,它们必须不断与各种全球贵族式力量协作。The monarchical forces cannot rule this Empire alone, but must constantly work together with the various global aristocracies.

你是否认为在其它政府中占优势的君主成分已经使那些政府清除了所有的污点?Do you think that the monarchical ingredients which are more prevalent in other governments, have purged them from all foul stains?

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提高胰岛素敏感性,廷级其慢性并发症的发生和发展。Enhances the insulin sensitivity, the seat of monarchical government level its chronic complication occurrence and the development.

比如,我们可以将五角大楼比作全球军事事务中的君主式力量,因为它常常采取单边行动。Think of the Pentagon, for example, as a monarchical force in global military affairs, acting often as it does with unilateral decision.

这些变革和改良在一定程度上顺应了时代潮流,并为君主国的政治发展提供了新动力。These reforms conform to the historical trend of the times, and bring to new power to the political development of the monarchical states.

他们的君主观具有两重性,不仅认为皇帝是君,举主、府主等人亦可作为“君”。Their monarchical concept was plural, they not only treated the emperor as their monarch, but also the master of government office and so on.

路德维希二世选择的“理想而诗意的帝王孤独”不能长久地与他作为一国元首的职责相容。The "ideal monarchical poetic solitude" which the king chose for himself was not in the long run compatible with his duties as a head of state.

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1911年,他领导了资产阶级民主革命,结束了在中国存在数千年之久的封建君主专制制度。In 1911, he led a bourgeois democratic revolution, bringing to an end the autocratic monarchical system that had been in place for several millenniums.

专制王权的依附型合者是儒者对自身政治角色的基本定位。Our basic conclusion is that, becoming "the Dependency Cooperator of Monarchical Power" is the self-identity of the Confucian Scholars' political role.

这种差异的形成是与春秋战国时期贵族政治向君主集权制的转变相一致的。The differences indicate the transformation from aristocratic politics to monarchical centralism in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.