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妳能拼出三个字母的捕鼠器吗?Can you spell mousetrap with three letters ?

我们一直在努力经营出自己的“一招鲜”。We just keep trying to create a better mousetrap.

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但是令它震惊的是,里面居然是一个老鼠夹。He was aghast to discover that it was a mousetrap.

放置一个更具吸引力的诱饵,世界的机遇将纷至沓来。Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.

只要老鼠还在作孽,人们就会想方设法找个更好的捕鼠夹。As long as there have been mice, people have sought a better mousetrap.

那是个捕鼠器,如果你吃那个奶酪,你就会被抓住的。小心。That is a mousetrap. If you eat the cheese , you will get trapped. Be carefull.

这个实验与被广泛接受的“技术推动历史发展论”一致。The experiment is consistent with the widely held"better mousetrap theory" of history.

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一定要记住,在加利福尼亚,如果没有猎捕许可证,安装捕鼠器也是非法的。And be warned, you can’t legally set a mousetrap in California without a hunting license, either.

方法用捕鼠笼或鼠夹等方法在室内外捕捉老鼠。Methods The rats were caught with mouse cage or mousetrap from indoors and outdoor in Siqian town.

因此,老鼠垂头丧气地回到了屋子里,独自面对农夫的捕鼠器。So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

尽管数不清的分析师说中国的经济自成一体,卡尔·沃尔特和弗雷色·郝伟却不这么看。While the view exists that the Chinese economic mousetrap is a better one, Carl Walter and Fraser Howie don't see it that way.

辛德瑞拉把捕鼠器拿去给仙女教母。仙女教母用法杖碰了一下,六只老鼠变成了六匹英俊潇洒的灰马。Cinderella brought the mousetrap to her fairy godmother. One touch of the magic wand and the mice turned into six fine grey horses.

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一位主妇想逮家里的老鼠,刚巧找不到奶酪,于是她剪了张奶酪的照片放在鼠夹里。A lady wanted to catch a mouse in her house but she couldn't find any cheese so she cut out a picture of some and put it in a mousetrap.

这位艺术家正在表明新纳粹文学能够产生多么大的危险,而这个老鼠夹子也作为名为“转化仇恨”的反种族主义画展的一部分。The artist is making a point about how dangerous neo-Nazi literature can be, and the mousetrap is part of an anti-racist art exhibition called "Transforming Hate".

这天,满脸夹子和涂鸦的阿星愁眉苦脸的陪着小香和小雨在客厅玩,门口的小偷因误踩了老鼠夹子而抓耳挠腮。One day, a clip and a frown graffiti with small sweet and light rain in the living room to play in front of the thief by mistakenly stepped on the mousetrap and scratching.

经济变革通常对创新型的高技术企业有利。对于一个更好的捕鼠器潜伏的需求有时会变成一个对于又便宜又快的捕捉老鼠的迫切需求。Economic change is usually good for innovative technology companies. Latent demand for a better mousetrap sometimes turns into a desperate need to catch mice cheaper and faster.

“技术推动历史发展论”的错误不在于技术创新与文化和制度变革的关联,而是在于把技术优势假定为外因。The fault in the mousetrap theory is not the connectionbetween novel technologies and cultural and institutional change, rather it isto posit technological advance as an external cause.