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脑袋里面乱成麻。Head inside disorderly become hemp.

因为我想我早已把它建的七倒八歪。Because I think I had built it disorderly.

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此时心中的小鹿也开始乱撞开来。The heart also started disorderly bump fawn.

她恹恹地在陈旧杂乱的旅馆来回走动。Listlessly she went about the disorderly hotel.

想着拨乱你无辜的苍穹。Thinking of dial you innocent disorderly ether.

警方指控他酒醉并且扰乱治安。The police charged him with being drunk and disorderly.

剪不断理还乱的感情纠葛能否有个了断?Cut hard also disorderly relationships can have a break?

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很多城镇的乱民都趁乱抢夺官府的粮食。Many towns MOBS while disorderly plunder the rulers food.

环境零乱、垃圾众多会影响鼠形动物密度。The disorderly dirty could influence the density of rats.

“有效率的”资产负债表可以说是一个无序的死刑判决。The “efficient” balance-sheet can be a disorderly death sentence.

最后,我被拉出车,并被以“行为不捡”被传唤。Eventually, I was let out of the car and cited for disorderly conduct.

千万不要自觉地跟从人流和互相拥堵、乱冲乱窜。Don't blindly follow crowds and mutual crowded, disorderly ran rampant.

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曾今拨乱我心跳的人,如今我怎麽可能忘记妳。Once this dial the disorderly my heartbeat, now how could I forget you.

大多数咨询工程师可能会认为工作组织得漫无次序。Most consulting engineers would consider the work organization disorderly.

他们又吵又闹,餐馆的主人把他们撵了出去。The owner kicked them out of the restaurant for being loud and disorderly.

所有活跃的撒旦教徒都有混乱的个人生活,马克思也不例外。All active Satanists have a disorderly personal life, Marx was no exception.

混迹黑道得哥哥结下了太多得梁子,最终被仇家乱刀砍死。Blend the Mafia have too many brother, his enemy disorderly constantly sword.

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黑白乱相丛,云月弃孤翁。Black and white and disorderly phase plexus, cloud month abandon solitary wong.

这种心情是迷惑人的,又是乱人心智的。This kind of mood confuses a person, and then is a disorderly person mental of.

一天,一个杂乱违法者,罗素豆,拒绝出现在法院面前。One day, a disorderly lawbreaker , Russell Bean, refused to appear before the court.