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我是富莱尔的史密斯.Smith from Flyer.

马冲还是一个“翔者”。Machong is also a flyer.

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这份传单显然并没有让她看到希望。The flyer did not give her hope.

手册会告诉你的This flyer answers exactly that.

我可以使用我的飞机常客优惠卡吗?Can I use my frequent flyer mileage?

取消订阅华夏会员飞讯,请按此处。Cancel Dynasty Flyer E-News, click here.

此外,您还可以获得双倍常旅客计划的奖励里数。You can also earn double frequent flyer miles.

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全部中国生产的悬锭粗纱机。All suspended flyer roving frames made in China.

传单五金有限公司坐落于浙江省宁波市。Flyer Hardware Co. , Ltd. located in Ningbo city, Zhejiang.

大家都同意先起草寻人启事。The first thing to do, everyone agrees, is to draft a flyer.

总体来说,您对乘坐新加坡巨型摩天轮有多满意?Overall, how satisfied of your ride on Singapore Flyer Wheel?

这时他的目光汇聚到床头柜上一页皱皱巴巴的宣传单。His eyes focused now on a crumpled flyer on his bedside table.

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利用小型激光器驱动飞片技术成功起爆了PETN安全炸药。The PETN explosive is detonated by mini size laser driven flyer.

积累飞行里程是商务旅行的额外补贴之一。Gathering frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of OCS travel.

布伦瑞克“传单”是其中一个布伦瑞克的第一注塑针。Brunswick "Flyer" is one of Brunswick's first injection molded pins.

休息在大多数球队里最多算上一个低顺位的弹簧人。Hughes is worth little more than a late-round flyer in most leagues.

连小孩子玩的经典红色玩具车现在在中国制造。The iconic red Radio Flyer wagons for children are now made in China.

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近两年来,常旅客计划已成为航空公司竞争的主要手段。Frequent Flyer Plan has been one of main means of airlines competition.

常旅客计算机信息系统也成为各航空公司信息系统建设的一个热点。Frequent Flyer Program also become a hot point of airlines MIS building.

密切关注形势的艾莱柯看准了一个绝好的冒险机会,大胆炒了一把股票。Aleck, ever watchful saw a great and risky chance, and took a daring flyer.