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尽管如此,它还是有破坏性的。But it is disruptive nonetheless.

但是尽管如此它还是有麻烦。But it faces problems nonetheless.

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但是吉吉却感觉到了危险的存在。But ChiChi had sensed danger nonetheless.

当然,迈克尔和尤金娜以优异成绩通过了考试。Both Michael and Eugenia passed nonetheless.

虽然它一直在那,那个紧张感。It's nonetheless always there, this tension.

但是他们也是我们遗产的一部分。But they are part of our heritage nonetheless.

但他说感到自己吃了亏。But he said he felt he’d lost out nonetheless.“She

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然而,货币主义者现在承认这点。Nonetheless monetarists now acknowledge this fact.

他仍然下令解散骑士团。Nonetheless he ordered the disbandment of the order.

然而最近这六国却试图言行统一,步调一致。Yet the six have nonetheless managed to keep in step.

我从来没亲眼见过狗精灵,但这不妨碍我能见到它。I never saw the ghost dog, but I can see it, nonetheless.

这总是让人有些畏惧感的,不过也让人高兴。It's always a little daunting but flattering nonetheless.

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尽管如此,“乐施会所做的只是维持自己的存在”,她说。Nonetheless “A lot of what Oxfam does is to sustain Oxfam.

他们都是很乖的好宝宝,可毕竟还是小婴儿。They're really good babies, but they're babies nonetheless.

不过,幸亏有前传三部曲,丘巴卡又回来了。Chewbacca nonetheless returned thanks to the prequel trilogy.

邓玉娇理应得到公正的审判,但审判毕竟是审判。The waitress deserves a fair trial — but a trial nonetheless.

海棠开后,燕子来时,良辰美景奈何天。Begonia opened, the swallows, the scenery all day nonetheless.

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这项酬金基于业绩发放,尽管如此,它仍然只是一项酬金。It is a fee based on performance, but it is a fee nonetheless.

这是手工行业,但仍然是工业It's the handy craft industry but it's an industry nonetheless.

影片最后谈到伊拉克,各种的资料似曾相识。Finally, Iraq. Familiar material by now but telling nonetheless.