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我试着让自己看上去带着遗憾并且亲切。I try to look regretful, and obliging.

他好说话儿,求求他准行。He is very obliging. He's sure to help if you ask him.

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对,是不公平。“我试着让自己看上去带着遗憾并且亲切。True. It's not fair.” I try to look regretful, and obliging.

我分别从图多尔、特朗勃和希尔那收到了三封鼓舞人心的信。I have received three very obliging Letters, from Tudor, Trumble, and Hill.

那个身穿白色紧身短裤的胖女佣人不过三十五、六岁,为人活泼,有求必应。The maid in the lime-coloured panties was a cheerful fat, obliging woman in her mid-thirties.

我宁愿向一位像你的朋友那样值得感谢的人表示我对她的劳务的谢意。I would much rather show my sense of the obliging conduct of a deserving person like your friend.

休息或使用硝酸甘油及其它扩张血管的药都可缓解心绞痛发作。Exertion or emotional stress can bring on angina, obliging the victim to rest until the pain subsides.

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他脸上堆出亲切的微笑,招来了一个侍者,让他把他们这一对从水池里捞出来。An obliging smile played on the captain's face as he summoned a waiter to extract the pair from the tank.

一张张牌桌摆好以后,柯林斯便坐下来一同玩“惠斯脱”,总算有了一个机会报答她的好意。When the card tables were placed, he had an opportunity of obliging her in return, by sitting down to whist.

因此,圣马可的医院现在病满为患,到处都是霍乱患者,迫使其他一些病人去别处就诊。As a result, St Marc's hospital has been inundated with cholera cases, obliging other patients to go elsewhere.

或者,“卫报更为人知的是其强制的反华宣传和不值一读的新闻”怎么样?Or, what about "the Guardian is better known for its obliging anti-Chinese propaganda and unreadable journalism".

奥巴马政策的批评人士认为,当中国的利益与美国利益有差异时,中国远非如此给足情面。Critics of Obama's policy argue that when China's interests diverge from those of the US, it is much less obliging.

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最终,特朗普的嘲讽和电视节目记者的提问,制约了特朗普先生不停地刺激总统的神经。Finally, his taunting and the questions of television correspondents obliging Mr. Trump got on the president’s nerves.

凭着强壮的手臂和乐于助人的精神,塔希提岛的迎宾员将乘坐桨叉架船游泻湖归来的法国度假者送上岸。With strong arms and obliging souls, Tahitians usher ashore French vacationers after a lagoon cruise on an outrigger canoe.

哈维尔上校虽然在举止上比不上温特沃思上校,但却是个极有教养的人,他为人真挚热情,乐于助人。Captain Harville, though not equalling Captain Wentworth in manners, was a perfect gentleman, unaffected, warm, and obliging.

接下来在2010年,进站加油被禁止,使得车队又一次重新制定他们的比赛策略。That was followed by the ban on refuelling for the 2010 season, obliging teams to once again reconsider how they plan their race.

这些公司以土地储备和官员担保为支持,在最近的贷款狂潮中获得了银行的大量慷慨贷款。Supported by land holdings and the promises of officials, such firms found plenty of obliging banks during the recent lending spree.

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反洗钱政策或者强制高级公务员上报个人财产无法解决这个问题。Policies combating money laundering or obliging top government employees to report their personal wealth will not solve this problem.

凡是住宅、家具、邻居、道路,样样都叫她称心,咖苔琳夫人待人接物又是那么友善,那么亲切。The house, furniture, neighbourhood, and roads, were all to her taste, and Lady Catherine's behaviour was most friendly and obliging.

只是在2005年发生印度洋海啸后,东盟才达成了一项让该组织的成员国在遭受自然灾害侵袭时彼此帮助的协议。Only in 2005, following the Indian Ocean tsunami, did it adopt an agreement obliging members to help one another in natural calamities.