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是半场进攻,还是以快攻为主,或者是以防守见长?Are they defensive oriented?

在一场防御战中,中国将获得胜利。In a defensive war she will win.

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那是一个绝妙的防守阵地。It is an excellent defensive position.

梅威瑟玩的是技术和防守。Mayweather is technical and defensive.

或者,你也可以实践防护性设计。Or, you can practice defensive design.

防护性设计的其他好资源Other Great Defensive Design Resources

还好迪维是防御型的。Ups! Lucky Deneve is a defensive type.

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中国坚持防卫性的军事政策。China follows a defensive defense policy.

没有必要摆出防御姿态或太过粗鲁。There is no need to be defensive or rude.

它们的防御手法令人作呕。They have disgusting defensive mechanisms.

验尸官宣称汤姆临死前大便失禁在裤子里,而且由于自卫而手部受伤。Tom also had defensive wounds on his hands.

这是一个防御编程的实例。This is an example of defensive programming.

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赛跑使我自私,急燥,防御。Racing makes me selfish, irritable, defensive.

拜仁在寻找一个边路防守球员。Bayern Munchen is looking for a defensive wing.

对手们抱怨他的防守策略。Opponents complain about his defensive tactics.

奥库今天打出了今年最佳的防守。Okur played his best defensive game of the year.

卫气调和有助于溃疡愈合。Sufficient defensive Qi will help ulcer healing.

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作为防御兵种,你有阔剑地雷。In a defensive role you have four claymore mines.

奥巴马政府现在处于守势。The Obama administration is now on the defensive.

所以,所有这些页面都要好好地践行防护性设计。So, practice good defensive design on all of them.