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我们基本上都是研究非生命体的So, we are basically dealing with inanimate objects.

在这方面只有神能够比得上没有生命的物质。Only a god can equal inanimate matter in this respect.

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钱是无生命的东西,人则是万物之灵。Money is inanimate things, beings are superior to others.

柬埔寨许多人比较迷信,信奉万物有灵论,认为有生命的物体与无生命的物体都是有灵魂的。Animism is the belief that spirits can inhabit living and inanimate objects.

我并不认为它是对女人或者是男人或动物们或非动物的侮辱。I don’t think it’s degrading to women or men or animals or inanimate objects.

两种语言中许多无生命名词的性别是相反的。There are many inanimate nouns whose genders in the two languages are reversed.

这是一个有趣无生命的物体世界。Here is an interesting contest hosted on worth1000 about Inanimate Object World.

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这些方式包括“选取无生物主语”、“补加主语”等。These formulas include choosing inanimate subjects and adding subjects and so on.

以写实的手法描绘无生命的物体,比如花、水果、家什等。A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp. flowers, fruit, or domestic items.

最大的挑战在于要让没有生命的物体洋溢着跃动的光芒和生命的光采。The challenge is to make inanimate objects shimmer and glow with vibrancy and life.

奈恩说很多女孩都觉得芭比娃娃死气沉沉的,没有一点生气,根本不把她当成宝贝。Nairn said many girls saw Barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy.

它栖息在人和动物身上,在水里和没有生命的物体上也能存活。It inhabits both humans and animals and can survive in water and on inanimate objects.

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对于一个没有生命的物体,该雷米特世界杯冠军奖杯了旋风式的生活。For an inanimate object, the Jules Rimet World Cup trophy has had a whirlwind of a life.

对话是指角色说的任何词句,包括没有生命的角色。Dialogue is the name given to any words spoken by any character, including inanimate characters.

宇宙之内,一切有生气的及没有生气的,都由主控制,由主拥有。Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord.

不过,有可能采用其他大型但无生命物体与量子装置相连接。However, it might be possible with other large but inanimate objects linked to a quantum device.

你可以信任的朋友比一个静物能提供更好的安全保障。If you have friends you can trust, they'll prove to be better security than an inanimate object.

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生命的悲剧特性逐渐消散,正如你失去平衡,走向无生命的王国。Life's tragic character gradually disappears as you go down the scale toward the inanimate realm.

我们被教导破坏建筑,汽车等其它没有生命的物体是犯罪。We are taught that it is actually a crime to vandalize buildings, cars, and other inanimate objects.

他上气不接下气地把这显然已经没有生气的躯体拖到一只椅子上。Getting out of breath he finally desisted and dragged the apparently inanimate body on to the settle.