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呼吁多党制民主仍然是禁忌,但别的就没什么了。Calls for a multiparty democracy remain taboo, but not much else.

这个多党民主将是反帝反封建的。This multiparty democracy will be anti-imperialist and anti-feudal.

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埃及通过修宪举行多党选举。An Egypt that has amended its constitution to hold multiparty elections.

在美国留学期间,胡适形成了“多党政治”的思想。Hu Shih s thought of multiparty politics came into being during his study in America.

在民主,多党选举于1992年和1997年,莫伊赢得连任。In democratic, multiparty elections in 1992 and 1997, Daniel arap Moi won re-election.

下一年的选举将迎来一个多党议会并将会写入法律。Next year’s elections will deliver a multiparty parliament, which is enshrined in law.

也正是那时我们的全体会议在多党民主的问题上迈出了坚定的步伐。This is also when our plenum took concrete steps on the question of multiparty democracy.

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比如马拉维,是一个正在经历缓慢民主倒退的多党制民主国家。Malawi, for example, is a multiparty democracy that is experiencing slow democratic regression.

他声称现在已经有了一个真正的多党体制,同时也承认其中还有许多严重的问题。He claimed a real multiparty system already existed, while admitting there were serious problems.

我们要坚持实行党领导下的多党合作和政治协商制度,反对照搬西方的多党制。We should uphold and improve such a system and oppose copying the multiparty system from the West.

迪翁认为两党制度与其他很多国家普遍采用的多党制度相比更为有利。He contrasted the two-party approach favorably to multiparty systems common to many other countries.

我们认为我们发动的人民战争不反对,或者说,大体上是不反对多党民主的。We don't believe that the people's war we initiated was against, or mainly against, multiparty democracy.

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1987年,戒严法被废除,而在1996,台湾首次举办了多党制总统选举。Martial law was lifted in 1987, and the island’s first multiparty presidential elections were held in 1996.

借助TAURUS平台,可以很方便的实现多种基于SIP的实时通信系统。People can implement many types of SIP-based multiparty real-time communication system using TAURUS platform.

你们在领导班干部中取得需要多党民主的共识经历了哪些困难?How difficult was it to build consensus on the need for multiparty democracy within the leadership and cadres?

萨达姆政权之后的伊拉克举行了真正的多党选举,但是深陷在腐败、暴力和宗教派别斗争中。Post-Saddam Iraq has had genuine multiparty elections but is mired in corruption, violence and sectarian strife.

中国如果照搬你们的多党竞癣三权鼎立那一套,肯定是动乱局面。If China adopted your system, with multiparty elections and separation of the three powers, there would be chaos.

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1990年10月28日,克鲁吉亚成为第一个在苏联举行民党国会选举的国家。The country staged the first democratic, multiparty parliamentary elections in the Soviet Union on 28 October 1990.

开始时,示威者希望基本的改革、更多的自由、一个多党的政治制度以及结束紧急状态法。Initially, protesters wanted basic reforms, more freedoms, a multiparty political system and an end to emergency law.

换句话说,只有在反帝反封的宪法框架之下多党民主才是可能的。In other words, only within an anti- feudal, anti-imperialist constitutional framework is multiparty democracy possible.