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我喜欢跑步。I like running.

他正飞快地跑着。He is running quickly.

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试着跑起来。Eventually try running.

楼道里禁止奔跑!No running in the hall!

于是我又继续跑。Then I kept on running.

对。哎,你别跑。Yes. Hey, stop running.

我们就可以奔向那路。Be running up that road.

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我冒死跑向小门心。I was running 4the door.

在田野上奔跑。Running ober the fields.

他们正在跑一场比赛。They are running a race.

取消正在运行的流。Canceling a running flow.

我看到人们在跑步。I can see people running.

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我只是想跑跑步。I just feel like running.

物价飞涨,有如脱缰之马。Prices were running wild.

我很快就跑累了。Running soon fags me out.

他们在四处跑着。They were running around.

你还到处瞎跑一气!And you’re running around!

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孩子们正在向家中跑去。Children are running home.

他自己开了一家小商店。He's running a small shop.

冬天在户外跑步?Running outside in winter?