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所以你把他放了,并拿走了那个火盆。So, you set him free and take the Brazier with you.

你在那里的一个小山洞里能找到一个火盆。You will find a brazier within a shallow cave there.

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我们能想象一个人站在烈火旁而不感到热吗?Is it possible to imagine a man near a brazier who is not warm?

冬天来临时,人们喜欢围在火盆旁边取暖。Winter comes , people like around next to the brazier for heating.

找到如下图所示的火盆。收集暗焰余烬。Go to the brazier pictured below. Collect a Darkflame Ember from it.

“我忘了,”他说,“你得准备一炉煤火。”"I came near forgetting," said he. "You are to have a brazier of charcoal ready."

“首先,”费瑞恩说,“你得把火盆底下的炭块铺均匀。”"First, " Pharaun said, "you spread the coals evenly at the bottom of the brazier.

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一个阿芝台克黄铜匠制作的阿芝台克雨神特拉洛克被放置在市中心的玛雅遗迹馆里。An Aztec brazier in the Templo Mayor Museum in Mexico City depicts Tlaloc, the god of rain.

守岁时,要把火盆的炭火烧得红红火火,以象征生活岁岁兴旺。Shou sui, want to put the brazier burning coals of the thriving, symbolizing the life happiness.

那时正是九月,王坐在过冬的房屋里,王的前面火盆中有烧烬的火。Now the king was sitting in the winter house in the ninth month, with a fire burning in the brazier before him.

一旦有人停下与他们说话,他们便往炭盆里投上一撮乳香,使得周围的空气都香甜无比。When one stops to speak to them, they throw pinches of frankincense upon a charcoal brazier and make the air sweet.

当格里夫出现在甲板上时,那条狗鱼已经在火盆上烤的嘶嘶作响,伊西拉正在它上面来回挤着柠檬汁。By the time Griff appeared on deck, the pike was spitting and sizzling over the brazier whilst Ysilla hovered over it with a lemon, squeezing.

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有越来越多的社区,越来越少的混乱,因为亚瑟布拉泽尔继续着他多年前就开始了的马丁路德金式的对正义的追求。There is more community and less chaos because Bishop Brazier continued the march for justice that he began by Dr. King's side all those years ago.

从那玻璃碎了的窗格里吹进来的阵阵冷气,也有助于驱散煤味并隐蔽那火炉。A breath of air which made its way in through the open pane, helped to dissipate the smell of the charcoal and to conceal the presence of the brazier.

她往后甲板上的火盆里丢了些木屑,用把焦黑的刀搅拌了下煤渣,然后就揉起作为早餐饼干的面团。She fed some wood chips to the brazier on the afterdeck, stirred the coals with a blackened blade, and began to knead the dough for the morning biscuits.

杨恩德里来到舵柄跟前,伊西拉正在翻烤饼干,她将一个平底铁锅置于火盆上,放了片培根进去。Slowly the boat began to move downstream. Yandry went to the tiller. Ysilla was turning the biscuits. She laid an iron pan atop the brazier and put the bacon in.

中国传统的东西是文化,文化在不断的更新。恐怕过若干年后,后来的人对“火盆”的用语也会感到陌生了。Chinese traditional culture is something that the culture of constant updates. I am afraid that some years later on "brazier" language would have been a stranger.

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在这个父亲节,得知今天继续坚持这个坚实的基础的人是他的儿子和新的牧师,拜伦布拉泽尔,一定会使他感到骄傲。And on this Father's Day, it must make him proud to know that the man now charged with keeping its foundation strong is his son and your new pastor, Reverend Byron Brazier.

有个木梯搭在船舱顶边,提利昂套上他的靴子下到后甲板上,火盆边格里夫正裹在他的狼皮斗篷里。A wooden ladder led down from the cabin roof. Tyrion pulled on his boots and descended to the afterdeck, where Griff sat wrapped in a wolf-skin cloak beside an iron brazier.

到骑士领主布拉德维勒描述的小岛上去,找到洞穴,并且点亮火盆。当第一个试炼结束以后回到银月城的骑士领主布拉德维勒那里。Travel to the island Knight-Lord Bloodvalor described, find the cave, and light the brazier. When the First Trial is over, return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.