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一旦公司成为技术的引领人物,想就革除很难了。Once firms become technology leaders, it is harder to unseat them.

他说道,“这些人想让领袖下台,维护以往古旧的体系。These people wanted to unseat the leader and preserve the old system.

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查尔斯宣称在2031年前不会退休,这样一位总统也很难被扳倒。A president who vows to stay in office until 2031 will make himself hard to unseat.

金砖四国一次首脑会议讨论如何以及何时剥夺美元作为全球储备货币的资格。A BRIC summit is discussing how and when to unseat the US dollar as a global reserve currency.

而杂志期刊发行人赖瑞佛林特也在本周宣布,他将会竞选已经落马的前州长戴维斯的职位。Magazine publisher Larry Flynt also let it be known this week that he too would try to unseat Governor Davis.

是否采取模仿策略,看起来苹果在对短时间内剥夺智能手机界新霸主地位不感兴趣。Copycat strategy or not, it doesn’t look like Apple is going to unseat the new king of smartphones any time soon.

共和党提名人亚当·夫试图在堪萨斯州的第三国会选区打败民主党劲敌丹尼斯·尔。Republican nominee adam taff is trying to unseat democrat dennis moore in the kansas third congressional district.

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卡特尔的敌人明显就是被派去粉碎他们的联邦警察和士兵——像路易斯·安琪儿那样的人。And the cartels' enemies are clearly the federal policemen and soldiers sent to unseat them -- men like Luis Ángel.

可惜在接近禁区后,他缺乏建设性,但这位高大的塞尔维亚后卫应该可以挤掉这个位置的主力博辛瓦了。Nearing the box he was less constructive, but the tall Serbian defender could unseat José Bosingwa in that position.

他长久统治着世界上最为严酷的一隅,说不定还能扛住当前逼他下台的乱哄哄的行动。He’s maintained dominance in a ruthless part of the world, and he may outlast the current shambolic attempts to unseat him.

在过去的一年,桑基一直在“出生地怀疑运动”试图推翻总统的一些行动中起核心作用。Over the past year Sankey has been at the centre of some of the most aggressive efforts by the Birthers to unseat the president.

他先是对我的演讲恭维了几句,然后就说他知道我曾经在富布赖特参议员手下干过,他觉得他自己不应该与富布赖特争夺参议员的席位。After complimenting me on the speech, he said he knew I had worked for Senator Fulbright and thought he shouldn’t be trying to unseat him.

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五个美国主流媒体出版商将通过iBookstore销售他们的图书,苹果公司的竞价将使得Amazon和其网络图书之王的美名不保。Five major U.S. publishers will sell their books via the iBookstore, Apple's bid to unseat Amazon and its Kindle as the Web's e-book king.

李普曼-布鲁门希望,通过理解约束关系,对于那些行为有害到令人无法容忍的领导者,我们就能更容易将他们赶下台。Lipman-Blumen's hope is that by understanding the ties that bind, we can more easily unseat leaders whose behaviour becomes unacceptably toxic.

一些高管开玩笑说,他们会到42层施瓦茨的办公室静坐抗议,直到施瓦茨同意凯恩下台。Several top managers began joking that they should hold a sit-in in Mr. Schwartz's 42nd-floor office until he agreed to unseat Mr. Cayne as CEO.

然而,考虑到微软在计算机领域根深叶茂的地位,大多数分析师认为,谷歌会发现要推翻微软是一件难事。Given Windows's deeply entrenched position in computing, however, most analysts said that Google would find it hard to unseat the software group.

贝尔蒂·福格茨曾授予克林斯曼国家队队长一职也毫无帮助,因为前任队长指责是他的继任者策划了他的下台。That Berti Vogts had awarded Klinsmann the national captaincy did not help, as the deposed skipper accused his successor of plotting to unseat him.

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中国在2007年击败德国成为世界第三大经济体,人们认为它最早会在今年超越日本,成为仅次于美国的老二。China overtook Germany in 2007 as the third-largest economy and is expected to unseat Japan as No. 2 behind the United States as early as this year.

随着这些工作的发展,存在已久的对于知识产权的担忧意味着上海不可能在不久的未来失去硅谷的宝座。As for the jobs in development, lingering intellectual property rights concerns mean that Shanghai is unlikely to unseat Silicon Valley anytime soon.

当夜的最后一站是南达科他州的苏福尔斯,在那里,民主党众议员蒂姆·约翰逊真正有一个机会夺取在任共和党众议员拉里·普雷斯勒的席位。The last stop of the night was Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where Democratic congressman Tim Johnson had a real chance to unseat incumbent Republican Larry Pressler.