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与其说她是天真不如说她幼稚无知。She is not so much artless as naive.

她是一个诚实天真的女孩子。She was a single-minded, artless girl.

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那小阿问了许多天真的问题。The child asked many artless questions.

他的女朋友是一个天真烂漫的乡村姑娘。His girl-friend is an artless village girl.

需要有追逐嬉戏、天真烂漫的情调。The need for chase scenes, innocent and artless season.

从前,当我还是个小孩的时候,我是那么的天真无邪和无忧无虑。Once upon a time, when I was a kid, how artless and carefree I was.

她在博客上说在学校她是一个天然无雕饰的快乐女孩儿。She wrote in her sapce that she is an artless and happy girl at school.

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我们是一群天真活泼的小毛虫,生活在大自然的怀抱中。We are group of little artless and lively aeneous, living in the arms of the nature.

她的表情和寥寥几句质朴无华的语言已充分表达了她的感激与高兴。Her countenance and a few artless words fully conveyed all her gratitude and delight.

你就是那个风姿绰约的桃花仙子,轻轻掠起一片娇羞烂漫的红霞!You are the Peace to all that grace graceful, gently Lueqi a shy and artless Hongxia!

文绣进宫那年尚不满14岁,还是一个天真烂漫的少女。Wenxiu palace that is still under the age of 14 years, innocent and artless or a girl.

他不再是过去那个天真纯朴的潘,那么勇敢、那么坦率、那么鲁莽、又那么温柔的潘。He was no longer the artless Pen of old days, so brave, so artless , so impetuous, and tender.

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他的抒情诗中的那种天真活泼的笛子旋律,唤醒了我心中沉睡的田野和林沼之歌。The artless flute-strains of his lyrics awoke within me the music of fields and forest-glades.

年少的我们,或许因为幼稚的诗意,演绎出多少荒唐的烂漫。THE young of we, perhaps because naive poetic interpretation of a number of absurd and artless.

我喜欢抬头看树梢尖尖的小芽儿,极嫩的黄绿色里透着一派天真的粉红。I love to look up at treetops to watch tiny buds with their tender yellowish green tinged with an artless pink.

和平的村庄,少年时代简朴的同伴,还有纯洁的空气都对他有很大好处。The peaceful countryside, the simple and artless companions of his boyhood, and the pure air did him much good.

事情的背后是真实的,在表面天真浪漫的日常生活之下,潜伏著复杂缜密的计划。Beneath the surface realism of the novel, its apparently artless transcription of life's flow, lurks a complicated plan.

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虽然一而再,再而三,我还是疑惑自己注视这件怪异而拙劣的护身符是否真有意义。Too often though I found myself wondering whether the piece of whimsical artless charm I was watching had any point at all.

至先秦时,画像砖进一步得以发展,但数量极少,造型稚拙。When to pre-qin, the brick relief further can develop, but quantity are extremely few, the modelling is simple and artless.

本文力图从毕飞宇小说中“朴素的‘现实主义’”内容出发,从一个全新的角度,完整的对毕飞宇小说创作流变进行研究。The thesis attempts to have a thorough study of the style transition in BiFeiyu's novel creation from the aspect of its " artless realism".