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挖得深一些。Dig Deep.

你喜爱跳舞吗?Do you dig dancing?

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对不起,我不懂。Pardon, I don't dig.

你什么时候偶尔碰上他的?When did you dig him up?

我不想一辈子挖煤。I won't dig coal forever.

让我们挖沙子吧。Let's dig in the sandpit.

你在哪儿碰上她了?Where did you dig her up?

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我们只好一路挤出去。We had to dig our way out.

但是,挖煤是一份很危险的工作。But dig coal is very danger.

掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠…To dig an uncrossable river.

我必须挖个坟,铲子!I had to dig a grave, SHOVEL!

你挖到了神秘先生的什么消息?What did you dig up on Mr. X?

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乌鸦约翰尼总是掘土和播种。Johnny Crow would dig and sow.

猪用嘴拱地。Pigs dig earth with the snout.

挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。Dig a pit and bury the garbage.

掘完井,道士就离开了。Dig a well, taoism priest left.

我准备挖个洞,把他们埋起来。I will dig a hole, and bury it.

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用挖球器将哈蜜瓜挖成球状,备用。Dig honey dew melon to be balls.

小李,把泥浆挖大点。Dig the mud-pit larger, Xiao Li.

挖了一堆大屠杀受难者出来?Dig up lots of massacre victims?