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我喜欢这个节日,它代表家庭的和谐。I love the festival , it stand for the tuneful of us.

令我大吃一惊的是,他弹琴的声音即有规律又稳健。To my amazement, the music he plays out sounds both tuneful and vigorous.

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歌唱是用优美动人的歌声表达人们思想感情的艺术。Singing is an art of expressing human feelings and thoughts with tuneful songs.

本片再次为喜爱舞台剧的观众提供一个色彩缤纷、悦耳和谐的回忆。Again, it provides a very colourful and tuneful memento for those who loved their theatrical experience.

在这五月天,让我的心被高举,与祢所造的万物一同唱和,犹和一只在枝头昂首高歌的云雀!LORD, on this happy May Day, lead me out into thy tuneful world as rich in praise as a lark in full song.

我在赫伯特•斯宾塞⑦的某部作品中读到,每当情感开始活动的时候,语言就呈现出音调的变化。I had read in some work of Herbert Spencer's that speech takes on tuneful inflexions whenever emotion comes into play.

但是,引导人们理解朝廷颁布的道德规则并使社会不断和谐,正是教化的主旨所在。But the gist of the education was to lead the common people to understand the ethics so as to make the society tuneful.

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易安体以明白如话的语言、和谐的音律、柔中寓刚的风格、尽而不尽的韵味,而成为词家当行本色的典范。Yi an Style becomes apotheosis of Ci for its easy language, tuneful swing, gentle and firm style and latent and beautiful charm.

声音质量的所有重要领域可以被分类为明亮,颤音和仅仅是听起来有趣伴随着优美的重低音。The all important area of sound quality can be categorized as bright, vibrant, and just plain fun to listen to, with a tuneful deep bass.

总之,无论是会员还是住客,在万豪虹桥大酒店健康中心都能感觉到健康的氛围和喜欢的运动。Anyway, all hotel guests and members will easy to find they favorite sports and feel the tuneful atmosphere in Health Club of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao.

正确认识后现代主义的影响,对于我们继承传统、实现现代化、建设和谐文明的社会主义都有重要意义。Correct understanding of the influence of postmodernism is of vital importance to our inheritance of tradition, realization of modernization and building of a tuneful and civilized socialism.