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这是非常吉祥的。It is very auspicious.

谢谢你的吉言!Thank you for auspicious word!

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留下一片祥云。愿你能开心每一天。Leave a piece of auspicious clouds.

腊月日,这个特别吉祥的日子。In Japan, this special auspicious day.

瑞雪脸上又加霜。Auspicious snow adds frost in the face.

天秤座男人的黄道吉日。It will be an auspicious day for Libra men.

是民间广为流传的吉祥祝辞。It is widely circulated on the auspicious message.

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因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊。Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious.

相比之下,亚洲龙更吉祥。By contrast, Asian dragons are much more auspicious.

于是封侯使“猴”增添了一种吉祥的象征意义。Monkey then make monkey to add an auspicious symbol.

值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的祝贺!My sincere wishes on this auspicious event of yours.

他高兴得眉开眼笑,仿佛见到祥龙咏唱。He looked happy as if hearing Auspicious Dragon Chant.

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当年能在红杉林中散步可谓幸运。It was an auspicious year to be walking the red­woods.

鸡与荔枝,合起来就是“吉利”的意思。Chicken and lychee, together is the "auspicious" means.

成熟的姜京俊能否博得吉多兰芳心。Mature ginger jing jun can evoke auspicious doran heart.

但要记得,吉庆的斋月,每年只有一次。But remember this auspicious month comes but once a year.

像一只祈福的铜铃叮铃铃地挂在飞檐。Resided there like an auspicious bell on the flying eave.

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在中国神话中,独角兽是一种吉祥之物。In Chinese mythology, the Licorne is an auspicious objects.

表现题材多为中国吉祥图案。Performance themes more auspicious for the Chinese designs.

喜鹊枝头叫,真是大吉大利啊!The magpie's call is considered to be an auspicious symbol.