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烈日之下的景色,一片枯黄憔悴The landscape, brown and sere beneath the sun

枯藤、老树和正在安顿下来的乌鸦。The sere vines, the old trees, and nestling crows.

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很快树叶将凋落,小草将枯萎。Soon the leaves will be discarded, the grass will sere.

中生演替的在一中等潮湿的环境里发生的。Originating in a moderately moist habitat. Used of a sere.

风怒号,树裸光,牧场干枯焦黄。Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sere.

s表示计算机模型显示这种增长可能在2090年发生。Sere says computer models indicate such an increase is possible by the year 2090.

在旱地发展的生长于干旱地带的,如岩滩、悬崖或沙漠的。Originating in a dry habitat, such as a rocky shore, cliff, or desert. Used of a sere.

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但是Sere承认,在采取措施前这些领域需要研究和政治讨论。But such areas need research and political discussion before being taken up, admits Sere.

它售出的数量足以配备三分之一的美国人,但它们带来的影响却无法弥补。Enough to sere a third of the US population hae been sold, yet they are not reimbursable.

Morgan对SERE训练者的认知研究中明显地体现出这些效果。These effects are clear in Morgan's studies of cognitive performance during SERE training.

使蓬松干枯的头发顺滑自然,带来柔韧顺滑的秀发。The hair with sere shag arranges slippery nature, bring withy arrange slippery beautiful hair.

渐黄的树木开始宣告季节的变更,很快叶落归根,小草即将枯萎。The trees begin to proclaim the change. Soon the leaves will be discarded, the grass will sere.

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报告说,中央情报局在讯问被拘押人员时至少使用了"生存、躲避、抵抗和脱逃"手段之中的一种。The report said the CIA used at least one of the SERE techniques in its interrogations of detainees.

Sere说,一个方法是对大规模养殖活动征收“甲烷税”从而减少动物产品的消费。A 'methane tax' on large feeding operations to reduce animal product consumption is one idea, says Sere.

Morgan十分希望在SERE受训者身上测试DHEA和NPY恢复认知能力的效果。Morgan is keen to run trials of the effects of DHEA and NPY on the cognitive resilience of SERE trainees.

NPY水平最高的士兵在SERE训练中也出现轻微的精神分裂症状。Soldiers with the highest levels of NPY also experience milder symptoms of dissociation during SERE training.

再者,很少出现完全不改变的气候条件,起码是周期性改变的,年复一年更有不同。In addition, the climate is seldom completely stable-at best it is cyclical, with variations from year to year. See sere.

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亲爱的孩子,在每一个干枯的死亡形式有睡活花,和天使般的应在春季返回小时出现。Dear child within each sere dead form There sleeps a living flower And angel-like it shall arise In spring's returning hour.

但当研究人员测试在SERE训练过程中提取的受训者唾液样本中发现,结果与预期恰恰相反。But when the researchers measured levels of the hormone in saliva samples taken during SERE training, they found exactly the opposite.

大家各念各的经,各敲各的木鱼,观世音菩萨前面的净水瓶也没人添水,花草干枯萎缩了。Everybody read by all of the knock, all the fish, sound bodhisattva net bottle front is not add water, flowers and plants sere atrophy.