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我是我们家第一个大学生。I'm the first academician in our family.

成为这家学院的院士他很骄傲。He was proud of being an academician of this academy.

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冯新德,中国科学院院士。Feng Xinde, the academician of Chinese Academy of Science.

尚永丰院士是我国著名生物化学与分子生物学家。Academician Shang Yongfeng is a famous biochemist and molecular biologist.

去了一次北京植物所,定下来报考一位院士的博士。Went to IB-CAS, decided to take the phd exam and try to follow a academician.

专此纪念著名的古生物学家盛金章院士。This paper is dedicated to academician Sheng Jinzhang, a famous paleontologist.

苏联科学院院士齐赫文中国研究的著作等身。The Soviet Academician Serguei Tikhvinski has many works on China to his credit.

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陈俊愉院士是我国著名的园林教育家和花卉专家。Academician Chen Junyu is a famous landscape educator and flower expert of China.

或者设想一位木匠亦或是一位农民所做的。确实或者更是一名院士。Or suppose a carpenter did, or a farmer, or, indeed, almost anyone but an academician.

史绍熙院士对层流流量计和内燃机空气流量测量的贡献。Contributions on Laminar Flowmeter and Intake Flowrate of ICE by Academician Shih S. H.

洛特曼是俄罗斯塔尔图学派的创始人,科学院院士。Lotman was the founder of Tartu school of Russia and an academician of science council.

法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。The Institute had the academician , Napoleon Bonaparte, stricken from its list of members.

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姜振庆,中国摄影家协会会员、大连市摄影家协会副主席。Academician of China Photographer Association, Cochairman of Dalian Photographers Association.

他特别感谢中科院让他成为院士。He especially thanked the Chinese Academy of Sciences for allowing him to become an academician.

中国科学院的许多院士都曾在科大进行过领导和教学工作。Many of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician in the HKUST have been leading and teaching.

中国工程院院士,天津中医药大学名誉校长石学敏教授是我的第一任中国老师。Herr Prof. Shi, Xuemin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , Ehrendirektor der TCM-Universit.

总统目前在办公室是CACMS院士张玻璃罐,中国工程院院士。The president of CACMS currently in office is Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

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但在当时,透纳既是艺术家也是空想家,既是学院派也是反学院派,他既属于自己的时代,又遥遥领先于那个时代。but then as both artist and visionary, academician and rebel, Turner was of his time, and way ahead of it too.

玩兴与创造力有密切的关系,在大学生创造力培养过程中,应重视玩兴的引导和培养。How to induct and foster playfulness of academician should be emphasized in cultivating creativity of college students.

中国科学院院士孙铁珩说,土地污染已直接导致了食品质量的下降。Academician Tieheng Sun of Chinese Academy of Sciences says soil pollution has directly led to the decline in food quality.