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年代学的与年代有关或依据年代的…Relating to or in accordance with chronology.

我不希望在维基中出现一个时间轴。I didn't want there to be a chronology in wiki.

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如果你只记录到秒,你就无法恢复原始时间顺序。If you only log to the second, you cannot reestablish the chronology.

年表是安排的事实和事件,在该命令的时间。Chronology is the arrangement of facts and events in the order of time.

这本书像是一部精致的作品,具有纪年表、传记参考文献和索引。The book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index.

铀系不平衡定年技术是第四纪年轻年代学的重要定年手段。Uranium series dating technique is the important means of Quaternary chronology.

前半部分的内容是作者人生的自传年表。The first half of this work is an autobiographical chronology of the author's life.

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委员会所扮演的角色是统计每个月的工业周期报表。The committee's primary role is to maintain a monthly chronology of the business cycle.

斯威瑟出色地讲述了AOL发展过程中那无尽无休的危难和偶尔的胜利。Swisher excels in relating the chronology of AOL's endless perils and occasional triumphs.

因此,也都试图去制订耶稣行为或生活事件的一个编年史。So also are attempts to draw up a chronology of the events in the life of or acts of Jesus.

这些木炭沉积物的年代与年轮火伤痕迹记录的年代高度契合。The chronology of charcoal deposits closely matches the tree-ring chronology of fire scars.

如果某一个国家没有特殊的要求,最好使用倒序型。If no specific guidelines are recommended for a particular country, use reverse- chronology.

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夏商周断代工程的总目标是制订有科学依据的年表。The Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project aims at draw up of chronological table scientifically.

这个演说不应该是列举某个人一生的故事,反而应该向其一生的致敬。The speech should not be a chronology of someoneâ s life, but rather a tribute to their life.

的框架内,摩西五是历史叙事联系在一起的线程的年表。The framework of the Pentateuch is historical narrative bound together by the thread of chronology.

本表可弥补章伯锋、魏秀梅诸表缺失乾隆朝叶尔羌参赞办事大臣表的不足。This table can compensate for the lack of Zhang Bo Feng's chronology and Hsiu-Mei Wei's chronology.

在某种程度上,孙现在的推测来自于考古科研项目的科学严谨所带来的非有意的结果。In some ways Sun's current theory is an unintended result of the Chronology Project's scientific rigor.

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附录部分是笔者为刘先生编制的年谱,将刘先生的事迹逐年列出,以便参考。The appendix is Mr. Liu Guojun's chronology which lists his life deeds from year to year for reference.

火山活动是影响全球变化的重要因素之一,玛珥湖和纹泥年代学是近年来古气候研究的新领域。Recently the study of maar lake and varve chronology is becoming a new field for palaeoclimate research.

同一系统的变化是观察在时序期间做好抗洪抢险和亚伯拉罕。The same system of variations is observed in the chronology of the period between the Flood and Abraham.