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双蝴蝶兰最清香。Double orchid the fragrance.

槛菊愁烟兰泣露。The orchid weeps in the dew.

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并让丝兰不要接近。And let silk orchid don't close.

如果我们不能成功到达幽兰站的话。If we don't make it to the Orchid.

墨溪幽兰独自开。An orchid blooms by the ink stream.

兰馨带着悦悦去了一趟香港。Orchid with Yue Yue went to Hongkong.

木佩兰不耐烦道。The wood wears an orchid anxious way.

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我最爱的是兰花和玫瑰!What I love most are orchid and rose!

兰花是绍兴市市花。Orchid is the city flower of Shaoxing.

我们是兰屿的达悟人。We are the Yami people of Orchid Island.

兰兰,你我之间,没有谢字!Orchid orchid, you I, don't thank a word!

兰初,快见过宋夫人。Orchid opening once saw Sung a madam speedily.

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一边说着,一边去瞧明兰。Simultaneously say, part go to lo clear orchid.

大哥劝郭虎追回兰馨。Big brother advised Guo tiger to recover orchid.

茎干被用为栽培附生兰类的基质。Trunks are used as medium for orchid cultivation.

选载1。人们如何在香港发现洋紫荆?。How did People discover the Hong Kong Orchid Tree?

那种兰花只剩两周的开花期。That orchid is only in bloom for another two weeks.

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一朵蛾蝶花在安东尼奥港花园内绽放。A poor man's orchid shines in a Port Antonio garden.

兰兰,给他打个电话问问吧!Orchid orchid makes a telephone call for him to ask!

汗滴正从她的体内渗出,看起来好似一朵兰花上的露珠。Sweat was forming on her body like dew on an orchid.