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在每个大洋几乎都能见到突吻鲸的身影。Existing beaked whale populations are found in nearly every ocean.

贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker.

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几种喙厚,黑羽鸟集体,规模大于乌鸦。Several species of beaked thick, black plume of birds collectively, size large than a crow.

在这次表演中有三十艘三列桨或二列浆的尖头战船和许多小船参加战斗。There thirty beaked triremes or biremes and still more smaller vessels were joined in battle.

研究者们扫描了雄性突吻鲸的颅骨,从而创建了这种鲸鱼听力组织的3D模型。By scanning male beaked whale skulls, the researchers imaged the whale hearing apparatus in 3-D.

雌鲸被雄鲸獠牙所吸引——这种表面行为,可能会刺激新物种的产生。Female beaked whales' apparent attraction to the tusks may have spurred the development of new species.

最后确认见到这种长嘴又几乎瞎眼的白鳍豚是在2004年。The last confirmed sighting of a member of the species, the long- beaked , nearly blind baiji, was in 2004.

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五彩缤纷的羽毛头冠环绕着她的头部和颈部,在钩形面部和机敏的眼睛旁逐渐消失。A crown of richly colored feathers fringed her head and neck, trailing away from her beaked face and keen eyes.

但是,Theriault说,和喙鲸相比,须鲸发出的叫声频率更低,更容易听到它发出的声音。But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.

鹅喙鲸,也称作柯氏喙鲸,是在挪威海滩发现的第一头鲸鱼。The goose-beaked whale, also known as a Cuvier's beaked whale, is the first to ever be found off the coast of Norway.

鹅喙鲸,也称作柯氏喙鲸,是在挪威海滩首次发现的鲸鱼。Thee goose-beaked whale, also known as a Cuvier's beaked whale, is the first to ever be foundoff the coast of Norway.

他双眉紧锁,鹰钩鼻上方隆起两道深深的皱纹,下巴不肯屈服地向前突出。The brows were so drawn that there were two deep lines above the beaked nose, and the chin was thrust forward defiantly.

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铠甲楯齿龙的颚部呈喙状,几乎没有牙齿,但有特化过的宽广牙齿,可用来压碎甲壳类的外壳。Its skull had beaked , mostly toothless jaws with specialized broad teeth on the pallet, used for crushing shellfish armor.

人们挤进时装秀台前,就是想一睹这些长着羽毛的,有喙的“模特们”摇摇摆摆地走猫步。Crowds packed into this fashion show tend to watch models of their feathered and beaked kind waddle their way down the catwalk.

中国自然杂志指出,它看起来像一只有喙的鲸。这种鲸生活在深海中,通常很难见到。China's Naturalist magazine said that it looks like a beaked whale. This type of whale lives deep in the sea and is usually difficult to see.

这些动物的尸体分别是小鲸、白海豚、普通海豚、巨头鲸和突吻鲸等。The 17 sea mammals on gruesome display included porpoises, white dolphins, common dolphins, aa pilot whale, a beaked whale and a pilot whale.

雄性独角鲸的长牙状如独角兽的长角,而突吻鲸的一对獠牙却短小的多。In the narwhal the single unicorn-like tusk is a modified upper tooth, whereas the paired tusks of the beaked whales are modified lower teeth.

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位于佛罗里达的哺乳动物康复中心,美国海军听力矫正专家组为正在康复的突吻鲸实施一项听力测试。A team of U. S. Navy audiologists conducted a hearing test on a rare beaked whale convalescing at a marine mammal rehabilitation center in the Florida Keys.

一向新公布的研究显示剑吻鲸---体积如犀牛,重如一辆公共汽车----由于海域内的风能农场被搞得迷魂不定,导致鲸鱼集体搁浅自杀。A new study suggests that beaked whales—the size of a rhino and the weight of a bus—are confused by the presence of wind farms at sea, leading them to beach.

在今年九月于哥伦比亚西部地区进行的追寻“失落的”两栖物种的考察中,科学家偶然发现了三类全新的物种,其中就包括鸟嘴蟾蜍。Nosing around for "lost" amphibian species in western Colombia in September, scientists stumbled across three entirely new species—including this beaked toad.