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路透社提供新闻时不浪费一点时间。Reuter never waste a moment in providing the news.

路透社还称,昨晚在柏林有几个谣言在广泛流传。The wildest rumours were circulating in Berlin last night, adds Reuter.

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英国路透社也认为,“面对世界金融危机亚洲组织起来了”。British Reuter also believed that "organized facing world financial crisis Asia".

路透出生在德国,但最后他在伦敦落户,成为了一个英国人。Reuter was born a German, but he finally settled in London and became an English man.

路透基金会为紧急救援社团开设的新闻和通讯服务站。Reuter foundation's news and communications service for the emergency relief community.

罗伊特说种菌培育看起来很像一个装满咖啡的小小容器。Reuter says the seed culture looks a lot like a very small container filled with coffee.

这并非消息人士的直接引述,而是出自路透社记者的描述。This is not the direct quote of message personage, however the description of out Reuter reporter.

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为了那些电报无法达及的商业点,路透发明了一套通过铁路和鸽子通讯的方法。For points not connected by telegraph, Reuter developed a system of communication by rail and pigeon.

路透社消息称,堆放在六个不同地方的文件被点燃,引发了这场火灾。A Reuter telegram says that the fire was started by heaps of documents which were set alight in six different places.

乌尔里希.罗伊特是一家工程公司的共同业主,这家公司原来正在利比亚修建一个水库和一座手机信号塔。Ulrich Reuter is part owner of an engineering firm that was building a water reservoir and cell phone towers in Libya.

路透社和其它西方媒体机构同样作了关于中国由于木材需求迅猛增长而对世界森林资源可能造成威胁的报道。Reuter and other Western media agencies also report on China's possible menace on the world's forest resources with its drastic rise in timber demand.

它在艺术形式的探索上,主要表现为叙事革命、语言实验和零度写作三个方面。In probing into artistic forms, its main forms of expression involve the three respects of narrative revolution, linguistic experiment and zero degrees or reuter writing.

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据路透社报道,一项新研究发现,健康指数比肥胖与否更能预示心脏有血管堵塞的人是否会在相对较短时期内死亡。A new study has found that fitness, not body weight, is a more important predictor of whether people with clogged blood vessels in their heart will die in the relatively near term, Reuter reported.