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青蒿素是从黄花蒿中提取出来的。Artemisinin is extracted from the plant, Artemisia annua.

“蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时”。Lou Artemisia Montreal Lo buds short, is to globefish when.

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蒿属的任何一种混合的杂草。Any of several weedy composite plants of the genus artemisia.

目的研究南刘寄奴的化学成分。Aim To study the chemical constituents of Artemisia anomala S.

它是一种从青蒿属植物中分离出来的药物。It is isolated from the leaves and flowers of Artemisia annual.

本实验以抗碱植物碱蒿为实验材料。In this experiment, as the experimental material base Artemisia.

研究了艾蒿中黄酮的提取工艺。The technology of extracting flavonoids from Artemisia argyi was studied.

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为蒙药材阿给的进一步研究提供依据。The article provides base to the deeply research of Artemisia frigida Willd.

两种蒿属植物的染色体数目和核型研究。A study on the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of two species of Artemisia.

墙角长着不少茵陈蒿,如果需要可以随便摘。There grow many capillary artemisia in the corner, you can pick them if you need.

野生蔬菜龙蒿的组织培养技术研究。Study on Technique of Plant Tissue Culture of Wild Vegetable Artemisia dracunculus L.

采用超临界CO2萃取藜蒿中黄酮类物质。Supercritical CO2 fluid was used to extract the flavone in Artemisia Selengensis Turcz.

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分析不同提取方法对艾叶挥发油的主要化学成分的影响。In order to analyze chemical constituents of the volatile oil form Artemisia argyi Levl.

飞播沙蒿生长发育到一定年限后即开始大量死亡,其原因之一是钻蛀性昆虫危害。Artemisia sphaevocephala Krasch dead of injure from insect pest when it grow for a few years.

目的分析艾叶挥发油的主要化学成分。Objective To analyze the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Artemisia argyi Levl.

目的建立新疆一枝蒿中一枝蒿酮酸含量测定的方法。Objective To establish an HPLC method for determining rupestonic acid in Artemisia rupestris L.

阐明内蒙古冷蒿居群亲缘关系与地理分布的关系。The research is to clarify the sibship and geographic distribution of Artemisia frigida Populations.

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芬芳的烟是杜松属和艾蒿属被认为令人愉快对于精神的土地和天空。The fragrant smoke of juniper and artemisia is thought to be pleasing to the spirits of land and sky.

是固沙植物群落中分布最广泛的优势种。The subshrub Artemisia ordosica is the most extensive dominant species of sand-fixing plant community.

该分析结果可为综合开发利用野艾蒿资源提供理论依据。The analytic results provide scientific basis for exploitation and utilization of Artemisia vulgaris L.