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镀白金色海马胸针镶有蓝色水晶。Rhodium-plated seahorse brooch in Waikiki Blue crystal.

怀基基这里终年不冷不热。Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.

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怀特基是火奴鲁鲁最适合冲浪运动的海滩之一。Waikiki is one of the best beaches for surfing in Honolulu.

我们到夏威夷最着名的威基基。We went to Waikiki Beach, which is the most famous place in Hawaii.

所以,再次的,象怀基基和邦迪这样名气大的海滩没有获得晋级。So, once again, big names like Waikiki and Bondi didn't make the cut.

大胆和欢迎,威基基公园酒店是一家火奴鲁鲁酒店。Bold and welcoming, Waikiki Parc Hotel is an exclusive Honolulu hotel.

1976年,她在夏威夷怀基基海滩度假时遭到残忍的袭击。In 1976 she was brutally attacked while on holiday in Waikiki Hawai’i.

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冲浪的发源地威基基海滩是最热门的景点之一。One of the most visited sites is the famous Waikiki beach, the birthplaces of surfing.

我错误地从旅店酒吧后门走出,进入了一条荒芜黑暗的街道。I mistakenly went out the back door of the hotel bar onto a dark deserted Waikiki street.

首家EDITION酒店去年秋天登陆夏威夷威基基海滩,但这一尝试并不成功。A first EDITION hotel had opened on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii last fall, but that foray isn't going so well.

我想瓦胡岛上的怀基基海滩上的日落或许是世界上最浪漫的。但对我却一点也不浪漫!I guess that the sunset at Waikiki beach on Oahu must be the most romantic beach in the world. But not to me!

高达两米的海浪袭击了夏威夷群岛,淹没了瓦胡岛的威基基度假村的海滩。Waves of up to two meters hit the Hawaiian chain of islands, swamping the beach at the Waikiki resort on the island of Oahu.

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同时,在夏威夷到处都是美丽的沙滩---从位于夏威夷大岛的可爱的科纳海岸到位于欧胡岛的威基基海滩。And Hawaii's beautiful beaches are everywhere—from the lovely Kona coast beaches on the large island of Hawaii to Waikiki Beach on Oahu.

从平和,明确绿色水域的怀基基海滩,高耸的,雷鸣的浪潮北岸,它是一个宁静的,并放宽逃之夭夭。From the placid clear green waters of Waikiki beach to the towering, thunderous waves of the North Shore, it was a quiet and relaxing getaway.

怀基基水族馆是美国第三古老的水族馆,以许多夏威夷有趣的海洋动物为特色。The Waikiki Aquarium is the third oldest public aquarium in the United States, and it features many of Hawaii’s most interesting sea animals.

遇袭后的第八年,我参加律师执业考试,地点在当年警察和救护车发现我的同一间怀基基海滩旅店。Seven years after the attack, I took the attorney licensing examination at the same Waikiki Hotel, where the police and ambulance had found me.

考戴克草裙舞表演展示着当地的传统舞蹈,怀基基海滩水族馆展览着夏威夷海水里的一些色彩斑斓的“居民”。The Kodak Hula Show introduces you to the local traditional dance. The Waikiki Aquarium displays some of the colorful residents of Hawaii's water.

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烟花爆炸的上空,从威基基海滩在夏威夷檀香山,于2010年1月1日24小时后不久打勾午夜宣布新年的第一天看到的海洋。Fireworks explode in the sky over the ocean as seen from Waikiki beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, on January 1, 2010 soon after the clock ticked mid-night announcing the first day of New Year.

像其他的小岛一样,入住海滩附件的酒店差不多是每个旅行者的首选,特别是当你在世界上最受欢迎的海滩之一---怀基基海滩的时候。As with any island, checking out the beach is usually close to the top of any traveler’s list, especially when you are so close to one of the most famous beaches in the world, Waikiki Beach.