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红富士是我的最爱。Fuji apples are my favorite.

富士山形态优美。Mt. Fuji has a graceful shape.

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他是富士银行的员工。He is an employee of Fuji Bank.

柯达和富士是进口卷。Kodar and Fuji are imported film.

日本最高的山是富士山。The highest mountain in Japan is Fuji.

好,我去日本富士山了。Yes, I visited the Fuji Mountain in Japan.

从这儿可以看到峨嵋山。A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here.

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日本富士山的下面似乎正在酝酿着什么。SOMETHING is brewing under Japan's Mount Fuji.

婚礼将会在日本富士山举行。The wedding will be held at Fuji Mount in Japan.

我们会向朋友介绍攀登富士山吗?Would we recommend climbing Mount Fuji to friends?

日本富士电机功率半导体器件中国代理。We are China Agency of Fuji electric semiconductor.

富士贷记与发展这一概念。Fuji is credited with the development of this concept.

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富士施乐的业务一直在不断发展变化。Fuji Xerox's businesses have been dramatically changing.

相叶在富士的连续剧主演这次是第一次。That leaves in Fuji series starring this is the first time.

这里有一处温泉你可以欣尝到富士山英俊的风景。Here you can enjoy an onsen complete with views of MT. Fuji.

富士苹果,葡萄,草莓,还有木瓜等都十分丰富。Fuji apples, grapes, strawberries, and papaya were plentiful.

对于短期贮藏,地窖贮藏能达到对红富士苹果的贮藏保鲜要求。Cellar can meet storage demand of Fuji apples for a short time.

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第二天清晨,有些日本家庭会爬富士山。Early the next morning, some Japanese families climb Mount Fuji.

但是,到日本赏樱花,一定要看好季节、看好时候。Fuji. But, to Japan reward cherry, must promising season, valued.

对旱地果园不同降水年型水分管理模式进行了研究。Water management pattern in Fuji apple orchard in dryland was studied.