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它是一部非常滑稽的喜剧片。It is a very humoristic comedy.

我喜欢幽默的艺术,我也一直致力于用这一方法来表现我的想法。I like art in a humoristic way, so I use this method to express my ideas.

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庄子用幽默诙谐的语言、文字毫无拘束地表达他对宇宙及生命的看法。Chuang Tzu expressed his opinion on life and universe with humoristic and free language.

有滑稽谁认为没有布什的沃土讽刺将会消失。There are humoristic who think that without Bush the fertile ground for satire will disappear.

国际动画片陈列-开发和工作者’权利,重要神色通过一条滑稽线!International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers' rights, a critical look through a humoristic Line!

我是一个幽默、有经验、慷慨、智慧、善良的男人。我喜欢旅行,喜欢和朋友在一起。I am a humoristic , experienced, generous intelligent and kind hearted man who enjoy travelling and socializing with people.

在当初“尸派”艺术颇为广泛流行的时代,高风的这件行径作品倒显得有点温平和幽默。At a time when the trend of "corpse-art" was the main tendency, Gao Feng's performance was indeed filled with gentle and humoristic tones.

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他以奇崛突兀、狠重险硬的意境和创新的形式,幽默戏谑的艺术风格影响了一代审美风尚。He influenced a generation aesthetic judgment fashion with unexpected and dangerous artistic conception and innovative format and humoristic art style.

老刘离婚后就一直一个人居住在一个单间中,天性幽默诙谐使他和周围的邻居处的很好。Old Liu, he was always living in a single room after he divorced, and the facetious humoristic nature of him made a good relationship with his neighbors.

本作品描写了他和它的快乐生活,还有他们与老师、家长、同学、朋友之间好玩搞笑的故事。She likes eating ice cream and taking hot shower. The story describes their happy life and humoristic story between them and their teachers, friends, classmates and friends.

隐藏其中的性意识符号,出现了“荷尔蒙运动”的线索,使嬉戏诙谐的寓意愈加丰满,回味无穷。Signs of sexual consciousness hidden in them might induce some clues to 'hormonal movement' so as to enrich more their humoristic morals and make the process be led up to meaningful afterthoughts.